Archive for the ‘bipolar disorder’ Category

PEW’s Brother, EJ, Weighs-In

June 23, 2008

Yes, I know – I’m jumping back into the past just as we were beginning to launch into the divorce take-off. Too bad! I happened upon this and it gives some insight as to the perceptions of someone on her side of the family.

EJ, who I haven’t profiled, until now, is the oldest brother of the 4 inlaw children. PP is #1. PEW is #2. EJ is #3. EJ was diagnosed with bipolar disorder (as was PP a few years later). PEW and I were instrumental in convincing EJ to voluntarily entered a hospital when he was having a particularly alarming episode. During his 3-day stay, he was diagnosed as bipolar, and started on a regimen of treatment and medication that proved instrumental in helping him get out of a mind-hell that he was living. He was pissed at us for cajoling him into checking himself in. He was in denial for a short period afterwards, but followed the recommendations and really turned things around for himself. He married his beautiful girlfriend, got himself a fantastic job, now has 3 children. He is a prime example of how well things can turn out when you follow the program and take care of yourself in the aftermath of such a diagnosis. PP, on the other hand, is the direct opposite. There must be a psychological case-study in there somewhere.

EJ and I always had a good relationship. He was a funny, caring guy. A big “teddy-bear” if there ever was one. S1 and S2 love him lots, too. Unfortunately, as happens with a divorce, the last time I saw EJ was probably New Year’s Day of 2004. I hear from the kids that he and his family are doing well – at least insofar as the children understand that to be the case.

During a discussion in the aftermath of my being ejected from Christmas 2001, PEW had told me about how everyone was up-in-arms over my allegedly inappropriate behavior. She challenged me to “call EJ and ask him!” I called her bluff and did. He assured me that few, if anyone, expressed any such sentiment. Except for PP, that is.

Following our phone discussion, we had an email exchange… it was December 26th, 2001…


I’m not going to excuse-make. Just so you know – as does your sister – I have a zero-tolerance policy on people making fun of the kids. That policy extends to both families, and I give you my personal assurance, me asking your brother, calmly, to “please stop making fun of my kids’ physical attributes was a LOT nicer than what I’ve had to say to my own brothers on rare occasion.

I’ve had enough and I am going to address it on-the-spot no matter who does it. I’ve had enough of dealing with EE, your sister (who has previously called him “psycho” and “serial killer” among other nicities), last night with [your brother] and both [my younger brothers].

The only people who I’ve not had to contend with (excluding the grandmothers and my own father), are you and my brother VAM, who seem to understand the concept of not making fun of young children.

If I was wrong for not taking your brother aside and telling him, I can live with that. Know this – I’ve told your sister to address it with the family in the past, and it clearly hasn’t worked. So I will now address it on a case-by-case basis. I’ll make no apologies for that.



I hear you, dude. Even though he was just kidding, S1 is at that age where he understands things better. That is for you and PEW to discuss. PP has NO right. She is a ticking time-bomb!



WARNING: PEW is going to call you because she alleges that you claimed that I “had no right” and you were “mad at me.”

Again, if that’s the case – we should talk. If it is not – be prepared to be told that is how you should feel. I thought it only fair to warn you. She also said [your fiance] was mad about it.



I am not mad and [fiance] definitely is not mad. I never said you had no right. I actually haven’t said a word about it. It went a lot deeper than the issue with [brother], that was obvious. However, any issues that you and PEW have is for you guys to work out. PP should seek help on her own problems before she wants to address others’. I would just like to see you guys work it out. I think no differently man.



I appreciate the good thoughts, EJ. I mean that.



I like you, LM, and so does my family. You probably find that hard to believe at times, but it is very true. Things work themselves out. Everyone goes through their spats.



Well, your sister is telling me that everyone in the family is alienated from me (a direct quote) and that everyone is pissed at me and that everyone, including [fiance] said that I acted inappropriately.

Now, it is crap like that which prevents us from ever achieving a solution on ANYTHING that she has a problem with.

Those are direct quotes from PEW. Then, when she challenged me to “go on and call EJ” – I told her that I already had talked to you and said no such thing. Sorry to put you on the spot like that, but it needed to be said and I will discuss nothing that you and I have discussed with her. I promise.



They love drama, dude. What can I say??? I never said such a thing and to say [fiance] of all people said something to that effect is a total lie. I even talked to [brother] on the phone and he didn’t even seem bothered. Basically, he just took it as you were having a bad day or fighting with PEW. PP was obviously the only one that was vocal. Enough said there. I’m heading out. Give me a call later, I’m going to be setting up the fish tank.


If nothing else, EJ sure has his sisters’ number. PP is a ticking time-bomb and they most certainly loved drama (and embellishing and lying and manipulating…) I’ve not heard a cross word during the entire relationship from either of the boy siblings. Quite the contrary, they were often quite sympathetic to me when it came to anything involving the psycho-twins. I’m not sure if that has always been the case, but they’ve never interjected themselves into the drama, and have never confronted me about anything. If they have said anything to PEW or PP negatively, I’d bet money it was simply to “keep the peace” – pretty much like everyone seems to have to do around these two.

Wishing for a Murder-Suicide?

June 4, 2008

I’m jumping ahead a little bit, to just after the divorce was filed (April 2004), to feature another mindless email rant offered up by “Aunt PP” – my nutcase ex sister-in-law. There aren’t many of them. That’s because, even when things weren’t a complete disaster, I didn’t have very much cause to talk to her anyway. Her life was just too full of chaos for me to allow her any closer than arm’s length, and even that was often too close for comfort.

Now, the strangest thing about this email is that it’s totally unsolicited. What I mean by that is – I didn’t then and I don’t now have any clue what precipitated it. Therefore, my only conclusion is that it was the by-product of some figment of PEW’s imagination. While what she writes, specifically the part about the murder-suicide thing, makes me laugh inappropriately, I never said that, didn’t intimate that, and it seriously didn’t ever cross my mind.

Hi LM,

It’s good to know that while I pray every night that PEW, you and the boys come through the divorce happy, healthy and better off for it…. that you are praying for a murder/suicide between me and my sister…. which would never happen trust me….. I would never hurt anyone I love… I wish I could say the same for you….. Take this to any judge….. YOU need help…… My wishes and the wishes of my family are that everyone is okay afterward…. you are more concerned with getting YOUR share of EVERYTHING….. and if you have to use your sons’ welfare to get it, you will…….

Look into your own heart LM and see what truth there really is….. if you can see past your twisted childhood with your father and mother’s behavior……. early on and towards the end….. I’ve heard it all and it isn’t pretty…..

Don’t joke about my family’s mental health or even try to use it. As far as I know, none of us have ever wanted out of a relationship because a child borne to us wasn’t the “right” sex (CAM.)……

You have enough family problems….luckily your mother was so forthcoming with so many horror stories from your youth……You should just be concentrating on doing the RIGHT thing, once and for all for all concerned…..after all, you’ve got you motor cycle, don’t you?

The whole diatribe is beyond bizarre. It’s a mish-mash of random thoughts that have no relevance on the matter at hand. It’s as if she needed to flex her big-sisterly muscles and put me “on notice” that she is going to stick up for her. Great. With allies like that…

She has absolutely no clue about my childhood. Why? Because she cites my mother as the source! While both of my parents had occasion to cross the line when it came to discipline, they raised 4 pretty successful children during the process. Mom and Dad went through a contentious divorce when we were in our teens and trust me when I tell you that dear mom has a tendency to grossly embellish and over-dramatize her “horror stories.” Certainly, both of my parents were both quite loving, showed their affection regularly, and I can assure you that my mother isn’t going to be telling any of those stories as they related to my father.

As for CAM (one of my brothers), after his first-born daughter was brought home, he had some trouble adjusting to the newborn baby. He questioned his ability to handle everything. His wife, my SIL, called me one morning to come over and assist. I blew off work that day and rushed over to have a talk with him. At no time was ending any relationship even remotely an issue. Neither CAM nor wife seemed prepared for what was going to happen when they brought the child home… and they were both a nervous wreck – especially him. It was no big deal. Now with a pair of daughters, their relationship seems to be going along quite well and the kids are great!

As for the balance, we can start with the delusions:

– Neither her nor her family wished any such thing. Phone threats, email threats, direct threats, and all of the rest of the weird stuff they would come to do demonstrated that they wanted nothing more than for me to disappear off the face of the earth.

– Despite the claims that she would never hurt people she loved, there are several identity thefts of family members, knock-down drag-outs with PEW, assaults on our children, among other situations which fly in the face of her claim.

– I’d be specific about a couple of the other rants except that they make such little sense that it’s not worth wasting any more of my time.

One thing she was correct about though… her family members’ mental defects and documented behaviors didn’t seem to be relevant regarding the children. Hell, even PEW’s actions and behaviors apparently didn’t (and still don’t) matter, but she has been exposed for the hostile, litigious high-conflict combatant that I’ve always told the court she would be. Thank goodness (for now) Judge Contempt’s rulings have begun to reflect that recognition. Here’s hoping that if they are needed – she continues to rule accordingly.

When Does the Pain Stop?

April 9, 2008

A very thoughtful post on one of the forums I frequent by “duet_4-8” that I felt was worth posting.

No matter the root-cause of your particular relationship difficulties, if it’s difficult and painful – reading something like this can breathe new life into your motivation to make the tough changes necessary to save yourself from heartache and misery.

One or more may apply to you…

Wondering when the pain will ever stop?

The Pain Stops when you stop looking at the person you love as the person you love, and you begin to see them, not as a partner, a lover, or a best friend, but as a human being with the strengths and weaknesses and even the core of a child.

The Pain Stops when you begin to accept that what you would do in a circumstance is not what they would do, and that no matter how much you try, they have to learn their own lessons, and they have to touch the stove when it’s hot, just as you did, to learn that it is much better when it is cold.

The Pain Stops when your longing for them gets slowly replaced by a desire to get away, when making love to them no longer makes you feel cherished, when you find yourself tired of waiting for the moments where the good will truly outweigh the bad, and when at the end of the day you can’t count on their arms for comfort.

The Pain Stops when you start to look inward and decide whether their presence is a gift or a curse, and whether when you need them, they cause more heartache than bliss.

The Pain Stops when you realize that you deserve more than they offer and stop blaming them for being less than you wish. When the smile of a stranger seems more inviting and kind, and you remember what it’s like to feel beautiful, and you remember how long it has been since your lover whispered something in your ear that only the two of you would know.

The Pain Stops when you forgive them for their faults and forgive yourself for staying so long. When you know that you tried harder than you ever tried before, and you know in your heart that love should not be so much work.

The Pain Stops when you start to look in the mirror and like who you see, and know that leaving them or losing them is no reflection of your beauty or your worth.

The Pain Stops when the promise of a new tomorrow is just enough to start replacing the emptiness in your heart, and you start dreaming again of who you used to be and who you will become.

The Pain Stops when you say goodbye to what never really was, and accept that somewhere in the fog you may or may not have been loved back. And you promise yourself never again to lay in arms that don’t know how to cherish the kindness in your heart.

The Pain Stops…..when you are ready….

Why Would You Want to be Married to a Crazy?

April 2, 2008

Because I’m an idiot! Though it’s true, that’s not the answer. It was to be there for the children.

This one from February 11, 2002 was the aftermath of more discussion regarding my bipolar disorder suspicions. I reiterated my desire that she go see a psychiatrist. I finally told her that if she went and he said she was perfectly fine, I would give her the uncontested divorce she wanted. If I was correct, she was to agree to a course of therapy and medication (or whatever the doctor would deem appropriate) and continue to work on the marriage. I was very serious.

Ultimately, she refused to do that because she was paranoid about me “setting her up” to take the kids rather than in an effort to save the marriage. We also touch on when I was ejected from Christmas 2001 at the in-law’s house.

She closes with more key indicators of her focus on money and her own financial well-being at the expense of the family. Again, the “got a minute” opening foretells of another troublesome discussion.

PEW: got a minute
LM: Yep.
PEW: I just want to make sure before I make the appointment to see a Psychiatrist that we are on the same page
LM: k
PEW: so if the Doctor says that I am “normal”…..we can part ways….amicably??
LM: We’ll see.
PEW: well i need more than we’ll see…..i mean that’s pretty much what you’ve been saying all along
LM: Sure.
PEW: sure?
LM: Yep.
PEW: i don’t understand what you are saying
LM: Sure, if you aren’t diagnosed with anything, you go ahead and file. I’ll have been wrong in my beliefs that it can be fixed and you do what you need to do.
PEW: well I can go ahead and file now…..
LM: You sure can.
PEW: the piece that’s missing is your cooperation.
LM: There is nothing I can do to stop you from filing.
PEW: i need that so that I can get my half of the house and move etc….i can’t move with no money
LM: We’ll do whatever the judge says.
PEW: well i can’t get legal aid unless i move out.

Though I made many strategic errors along the way, this is a piece of advice that is especially important to fathers in such a situation. You move out, you set yourself back in divorce and family court substantially. Unless there is domestic violence or some other fear that leaves you little/no choice – if you want to have meaningful custody time with your children post-divorce, don’t leave the marital household. There is almost no explanation that a male will be able to provide in court that will be taken seriously. You leave, you lose. Perhaps 2nd only to a false accusation of spousal abuse or child abuse – it will be at the top of the list of things your vindictive partner will try to force you to do.

LM: Unless ordered by a judge, I will not continue to further bury the family financially.
PEW: I’m in kind of a pinch here
LM: Well, selling the house for you to file for divorce isn’t an option. Sorry. Borrow it from your dad or something. He’ll get his money back when the judge makes us liquidate.
PEW: well then i’ll have to move in with my parents. there isn’t any other option. because i can’t get legal aid while we live together and it’s going to be a mess.

Translation: Make this easy for me and difficult for you and do so voluntarily.

LM: Sorry.
PEW: It’s a shame really. it’s only one month sooner than I originally said. what’s the problem?
LM: Yeah, it’s a shame.
PEW: why would you want to be married to a “crazy” anyway?
LM: I love you.
PEW: I love you, too, but #1…I am not going to married to someone who thinks I am Bipolar
LM: If you have an illness of some sort, you’re not “crazy.”
PEW: …I’m not going to be married to someone who is so predictable…..
LM: Fine.
PEW: I can’t be married to someone who is at odds with my family.
LM: I’m not at odds with your family.
PEW: you….you’re not?
LM: And be assured, you’re not moving in with your parents with the boys.
PEW: we’ll go to court…and a judge will decide. what are you going to do – you can’t stop me
LM: I’ll file for custody of the children, ask for an immediate judgement because I can’t have the children living under the same roof with an alcoholic.
PEW: well i’ll just tell the judge that you wouldn’t move out…. so I had to
LM: Nor can I have them exposed to the periodic visits from somebody who is suffering from a mental illness, is prone to violence and stalking, and has tried to kill herself.
PEW: he isn’t going to take the kids from me because of my family
LM: Yes he will. Count on it.

Surely a judge would take into consideration these circumstances, right? Count on nothing. While nothing changed to any great significance between this moment and the few years later when PEW would file for divorce, my efforts to have written into court orders that her sister and father be prohibited from watching the children alone were not considered.

PEW: you’re prone to violence too. don’t try to scare me, LM
LM: I’m not.
PEW: whatever happens….happens….I think you’re mentally ill….i also think you are an alcoholic
LM: Now, this conversation is over. You have your answer.
PEW: so they are better off with me
LM: I refuse to argue anymore on this topic.
PEW: well….i’m moving to my parents house
LM: Okay.
PEW: you leave me no other choice.
LM: I won’t be home for lunch. I’m going directly to the courthouse. Sorry, you leave me no choice.
PEW: well, if you would move out for one month.
LM: No.
PEW: it would save us both alot of heartache
LM: No, it wouldn’t.
PEW: well then i won’t move in with my parents….i’ll take the discover card with the $15000 limit and charge an apartment

If it’s not on the list of 15-Ways To Become a Psycho Ex-Wife, it should be… threaten financial devastation because you think the husband will be on the hook for it. Truth be told, he would be. In most states, any debts incurred up to the date a divorce is formally filed is joint marital debt. When you have a PEW, it’s not uncommon to find that they’ve run up your credit cards to the max before jumping out of the airplane and pulling the chute. Be mindful that it’s not just joint credit cards. In my case, PEW got her own credit card and spent it up in the 6-months prior to filing. Yes, I was responsible for half of it.

LM: If you don’t want to be near me, and your parents is the only place you can go… then you can go there when I get home from work for a month.
PEW: NO. i’m not leaving my kids no way
LM: Nor am I.
PEW: you can move in with one of your brothers for ONE month
LM: Sorry.
PEW: while we sort this out. you are so mean
LM: No, I’m not. I only talk to you nicely at home. I’ve told you to do what you feel you need to do. And that is all I have to say on the matter pending a visit to a doctor.
PEW: well, i’m not going because fater that you’ll just come up with something else. you need the Psychiatrist
LM: Okay, bye-bye.
PEW: if you asked me for a divorce…you’d have it. the discover card it is then

She was never going to go to the doctor. She didn’t. She also didn’t leave and put an apartment on the credit card.

LM: Good luck. It’s in your name. Don’t abuse it.
PEW: So what…. i’ll get $30000 when the house sells
LM: You wish. We’ll take a bath on that, too.
PEW: i only need about $2500…no we won’t…the house was worth about $230000….Plus i’ll get 1/2 of your retirement both [401K-1) and (401K-2).
LM: lol.
PEW: you’re a rotten person
LM: You’ve got it all worked out, don’t you? See ya.
PEW: No, not really.

Yet, even today, I’m the one who is “all about the money.” From the moment she made the decision to file for divorce, all I wanted was to minimize both the emotional and financial impact on everyone. Unfortunately, with a lawyer whispering in her ear of the untold millions she would get by doing certain things which will be detailed later, her #1 priority was maximizing her settlement and child support figure. Her motivations were evident years before she ever filed.

Laying Out My Suspicions in a 2002 Letter

March 31, 2008

3-days after the instant-message discussion detailed in the Christmas 2001 Ejection post, I had given her a typewritten letter with the header “Emotional Problems.” On the advice of the counselor we had seen earlier the prior year, since we couldn’t talk to one another about issues, we were to write them down. I allude to a letter from her which I apparently no longer have. I am curious as to its specific content, but it appears from my reply that addressed whatever it is she brought up. While it wasn’t the first time I had suggested that she may have bipolar disorder, it would be the first (and I think only) time I laid out my case for exploring the possibility in such detail. This is from 1/6/2002.

It’s long. Forgive the rambling nature and any spelling issues. The only changes made below were to eliminate names and locations as appropriate. Admittedly, I broke it up into better paragraphs (if not perfect) to make it easier to read.

Emotional Problems:

My belief that you may have a condition that is similar to your brother/sister are based on the facts that the things I have experienced and witnessed are, with little question in my mind, parallel to the experiences we’ve seen with your siblings. I did not tell you this without giving it a great deal of thought. I didn’t tell you this to be malicious. I didn’t tell you this in an effort to “set you up” with the intention of taking the children from you, which brings me to my first symptom:


I have been a party to your paranoia on several different occasions, the above being the most recent example.

Example #2 I can recall was a night not long ago when we were in “crisis,” when you came out of the bedroom and asked me “who were you on the phone with?” Repeatedly, I told you that I hadn’t even picked up the phone and you didn’t believe me. I told you to hit redial and see, which you wouldn’t do, and yet for 2-days, you still accused me of having been on the phone talking with somebody – via argument – despite having every opportunity in the world at the moment in question to see that I wasn’t on the phone with anybody.

Example #3 – The “invention.” Despite using my work bonus to help cultivate the idea, there was no appreciation. I support this endeavor 100%. When I tried to use my experience to offer ideas on how to enhance the plan, you became enraged. During what I recall as a week’s worth of argument from you, you accused me of things like “trying to steal the idea” — “trying to take all of the credit” — “trying to get all of the recognition.” You made these horrible accusations despite the fact that I had told family and friends (all of them) that this was your wonderful idea and we were really going to try and make it work. I got into trouble for trying to assist you and you told me to stop. Then, when I played the hands-off role, the entire summer went by and nothing was done on the project. You then started a few-days-long argument about how horrible I was for NOT helping you.

Example #4 – Accusations of being a druggie – which included (when you made your first accusation) regular use of marijuana, use of cocaine, and accusations of being an “alcoholic.” You made these accusations without justifying it with any classically accepted indications for what signs are of drug abuse. You brought home a drug test, which I took approximately 24-hours after first refusing, having refused because I was so angry at the allegation.

Example #5 – Accusing me of taking “masking agents” after I refused to take the test the previous night, despite the fact that I home all day, except for going to dinner with my brothers for a couple of hours. Those are just a few and while as dramatic as the experiences we’ve seen amongst others, still parallel the signs of those we know.

Example #6 – Your inability to accept the gift-certificate to the salon because you were paranoid about their “upscale” clientele and how you weren’t deserving and wouldn’t go there because people would “look at you” and similar strange excuses. There are other instances, too.

Wild highs and lows regarding your mood:

Gift-giving – embarrassingly, I truly cannot recall but maybe one gift-giving event that went without a fight from you. You don’t like: the engagement ring (despite the fact that you picked it out), started prolonged fight over the diamond anniversary band I got, last Christmas was ruined for weeks/months because rather than appreciate the fact that I got you everything that you wanted, I also got gift certificates for maternity massages at a facility that came with a recommendation from your obstetrician. Christmas was again a disaster, and you started several fights over the coming months about how “inconsiderate” it was of me to get you that gift as you didn’t feel you would want a stranger to massage you “in that condition.”

You started a fight with me on Valentine’s Day 2001 because I didn’t write you a poem, this, despite the fact that we weren’t in the best of situations after only a couple weeks earlier having a bad time during the January incident.

You started several fights which lasted for as long as a week when you wanted to be engaged. Despite knowing for months in my mind that I was going to ask for your hand in marriage on my birthday in 1996, you ruined New Year’s, Valentine’s Day, and other days with no significance that year because I didn’t ask you when you wanted me to ask you. I can even recall telling you that I would tell you when I was going to ask for your hand in marriage if you wanted, because I did have a plan, which you didn’t believe. You felt I was just stringing you along (also fits with paranoia).

The fact that after years of experiencing it, we would actually joke between ourselves for you to never tell me how “great a father” I was or “how much you loved me” because we BOTH realized that within 24-48 hours of your doing so, I would allegedly do or say something or “have a look” on my face and you would proclaim me some of the most horrible things anyone has ever said to me.

Christmas morning, after giving you two very nice gifts which I thought you would really like and writing you a heart-felt love not, you hugged me, kissed me, and told me how wonderful I was. Within hours, the look on your face had changed and when I asked you what was wrong, you commenced to berate me about my getting you the “wrong” gifts and how much I spent on you being “too much.” You rare accept gifts graciously – especially from me, but from others, too. It is as though you cannot accept the generosity from others because you believe that you aren’t deserving or something.

When I stated that I was not interested in attending the wedding shower for your brother and his fiancee, you immediately launched into a top-of-your-lungs scream session over how wrong I was for not being interested in going to a shower.

Claiming I beat my ex-wife without any honest concept of when and how our relationship deteriorated, and making wild claims about our life together – and also threatening to call her to discuss the matter whenever you are upset with me.

Threatening Behavior:

Not so much physically, but other ways… threatening to leave, threatening to divorce, threatening to take the kids, threatening to sic various family members or me, threatening to run up the credit cards, threatening to take the time to pursue a relationship, including sexual, with somebody else because you “deserve to be happy” – this despite the fact that we’re married.

Irrational Behavior:

An inability to take truly constructive criticism or give credence to any idea or tyring something out on my request, but an expectation that you can do same without problem.

I can’t recall ever making a parental suggestion or expressing concern over an issue involving the children without your starting a days-long fight. Starting a week-long fight over the fact that I asked for us to try putting a triple dresser in S1’s room and if it really didn’t work, I could remove it.

ANY time I make a suggestion that doesn’t meet with your approval, you toss barbs at me like “oh, and you’re the expert father” and claiming that I have no right because “I don’t spend as much time with them as you do.”

At my request that you take a look at two houses outside of your comfort zone on the possibility that they may strike you as good – you starting a week’s long fight which culminated in your having a meltdown in front of your own mother in which you called me horrible names and again – threatened divorce. All this, despite giving consideration to a great many areas of living that were outside of my comfort zone and within areas that were of interest to you.

After breaking my rear-end to install a fence that you wanted installed right away, it taking me one weekend longer than I anticipated, not one word of appreciation or congratulations on the job I did. Instead, a weekend-long tirade about how “inconsiderate” and “what a fucking cheap asshole” I was for not paying an additional $1,200 or so dollars to have the fence installed by the fence company. Why? Because you had to spend “so much time watching the children” while I broke my back doing good work on something you wanted installed right away.

Despite dozens of requests that you not call me in work to fight on the phone, you repeatedly fail to heed the requests and call me and leave me messages that are almost identical in tone and veracity as those your sister has left with us, and apparently (if the stories are true) – other people.

Your repeatedly claiming that you can’t get a word in edgewise – even in your very letter, despite the fact that – the only time I interrupt you is when you start calling me the filthy, vile names which you are prone to do, and/or you bring into the discussion matters which are not relevant to the situation at hand. If you don’t call me names, point fingers in my face, and at my nose, maintain a reasonable level of volume (not screaming), we can discuss any matter you wish without interruption from me. However, I will always cut you off when you start calling me fucking asshole, impotent fuckers, asshole, fucking faggot and gay, bringing my relationship with my ex-wife into the discussion.

Despite your fear that I may be correct in my beliefs, the parallels are quite close, and in many cases – identical to those we know have such a condition. Combine all of the alleged symptoms with the fact that the condition is genetic, and two of your siblings already have it, the possibility exists that I may be correct. Now, despite your belief that I bring this up maliciously – it is simply not the case. The fact that I love you so very much and am willing to go through these struggles and hope that we can find out if my assessment is true means a lot to ME, if nobody else. The reason I am unwilling to just “walk away” from this marriage is that I think that things can be fixed and you have to dig deep and take the risk of finding out if it is true. If it is, it can be treated and I think would go a long way towards combating all of these symptoms that I believe point to the condition. Together, counseling has never been given a chance, because you just cannot seem to handle the fact that when the counselor intimates something that is not to your liking – you quit. It happened in the fall of 2001. During the spring/summer sessions that we attended together (2 of them) you were all over the place and the counselor suggested you continue to see your counselor and we would come back together, which never occurred. We’ve never had any appreciable, constructive time TOGETHER in counseling for you to base your claim of “it hasn’t worked.”

Christmas Presents Specifically:

It was a mess because you couldn’t control your anger. Your belief that you were getting the ring is patently false, because we discussed the fact that you threw out the Macy’s circular and I was unwilling to take a guess as to which ring it was and that I was definitely NOT getting it for your for Christmas. You knew this two weeks in advance, and we discussed getting it for you for Valentine’s Day so that you could show me exactly what you wanted. Why? Because I know that if I got the wrong one (as we’ve previously experienced with both the engagement ring and the anniversary band) if it wasn’t the right time or the right one – you would have started another war over it. Any claim to the contrary by you is simply a false one.

As for the gifts I did get you – #1 The [Name Deleted] Gift Pack was STRONGLY recommended by your sister as “I must get this” for you. She made no bones about how much you allegedly loved it. Obviously, her recollection was incorrect. However, I make no apologies for the effort. I believed I had it on good authority and it was a worthwhile gift. That said, instead of graciously acknowledging the effort and telling me I was wrong, you started a fight.

#2 – The gift certificate to the salon was based upon our incessant complaining through the fall about things like “not being able to get your hair done” and “how much you would like to occasionally get your nails done’ and on others informing about how much you would like to “get a massage.” Based on those experiences, the gift certificate covered any combination of several of those options which you have previously “wished” you could get done. Then, you come up with an excuse to fight about that one claiming that you “don’t feel comfortable” amongst the upscale clientele, and that I was wrong to get you that, again – instead of graciously saying “thanks but no thanks” like reasonable gift-receivers do. You again opted to start a fight and effectively destroy our holidays again. I make no apologies for the logic behind getting you the gift.

#3 – As for the “amount of money I spent” – your claim that you wanted the rings means that I spent exactly $40 more than it would have cost me for the ring when you factor in the tax. So, despite your claim to the contrary, it simply isn’t the case and I cannot conceive of a reason for you to act as ungrateful as you did on this or any other gift-giving occasion where I am concerned.

#4 – Considering how much you were able to spend on all of your recipients for Christmas, your questioning my expenditures for you is unfair. You got to spend with little or no question, just asking that you be cautious because things would be “close” this month. I never, ever said that we weren’t going to be able to pay the mortgage in January. I simply stated that we must be cautious about what we spend to ensure that would could pay the mortgage. Including the few hundred I spent on you, we did perfectly and were able to pay the mortgage. Again, your recollection of events is false. In fact, I used up our entire PayPal reserve to ensure that you wouldn’t feel like you slighted any of your gift recipients. I never said word-on about what you spent, on whom it was spent, or why it was spent. A consideration that I never get, not even when the person I buy gifts for is you.

Christmas Day and your brother making fun of S1’s head and ears:

While you and your family continue to harp on the fact that I kindly asked [brother], “Please don’t make fun of my kids” after 5 separate comments about his head and ears, the fact remains that what was wrong occurred when a 30-year old felt compelled to make fun of a 3-year old and now you and your family justify it in any number of ways. I sympathize greatly with what your family has gone through in recent months. I’ve done my part to help whenever I could. However, using that as an excuse to look the other way with regard to what [brother] did on Christmas Day while continuing to claim that I was the one who did wrong is inexcusable. While you continue to preach to the choir about [brother’s] love for the kids, how many gifts he gives them, how much time he spends with them, and how he plays with him – doesn’t change the fact that he said what he said on Christmas Day, and I kindly asked him not to do it. There is no question in my mind regarding [brother’s] love for the children. I never believed that he said what he said to be malicious. the PROBLEM is that he, and others, think it is “funny” to call children names. S1 is 3-years old. I don’t care what you believe S1 believed about the making fun of his head and ears. It is inappropriate under any circumstances and your family (mostly your father and PP) have been doing it for the better part of three years, despite your repeated attempts to insist that they stop it. Additionally, your claim (perhaps your brother’s, I don’t know) that he said it once, after S1 hurt his head under the dining room table – is false. What he said under the table was the 5th comment in a span of 5-minutes. 3 about S1s head. 2 about his ears. He did NOT “only make a comment” after S1 hurt his head. That is false and typical of the recollections that are had about past situations that resulted in major fights.

Additionally, no one has stepped up to condemn your repeatedly calling me a “fucking asshole” while raising your voice at me in the kitchen, your sister’s meltdown on me in the kitchen, and your mother saying, “I’m tired of this fucking bullshit” – all while S1 was standing right there. The excuse-making from your side needs to stop. I’ve acknowledged, in the aftermath of the reaction, that I most certainly could have taken your brother aside and addressed it. However, I didn’t and I cannot change the past. I haven’t heard a single word from your side about all of the rather significant inappropriate behavior and language in the aftermath. Very sad. Everyone needs to understand that it is inappropriate to make fun of the children under any circumstances. Instead of directing their anger at me for kindly asking it stop – they should examine why they haven’t acknowledged what happened that day, both with your brother’s words, and yours, your sister’s, and your mother’s inappropriate language and outbursts in the aftermath.

Nope – all you and yours are going to do is stomp their feet about how “inappropriate” it allegedly was to kindly ask your brother not to make fun of S1, which is the real tragedy from Christmas Day. Stop hiding behind your family’s trials and tribulation as justification for what happened on Christmas Day.

As for “smoothing things over with your family” – you are going to need to tell me exactly what that means. With exception to whatever things you have told them, all I did was kindly ask your brother to stop making fun of the children. I’ll apologize for not taking [brother] aside to address it on the following conditions – and it means your family “smoothing things over with me” –

#1 – I get apologies directly from your father for all of the inappropriate things he has done, said, and taught S1 over the years, including: “cuckoo I’m a shitbird,” how to choke other people, various curse words, calling your mother an asshole twice in the kitchen when S1 was standing there, the inappropriate behavior and language he exhibited in his drunken state down the seashore, and the other little methods of torment he carries out on him… the list goes on.

#2 – Your sister calling S1 names like psycho, serial killer, crazy… for slapping S1 so hard on 12/23/01 he left a handprint on his face, and any other inappropriate things she has done in the company of the kids. Your sister should count her blessings I didn’t press charges.

#3 – Your brother apologizes to me for making fun of S1 on Christmas Day.

I assure you that the “smoothing over” is deserved in both directions and I’ll not comment on whose behavior has been more egregioiusly inapproriate since the children have been born. The evidence speaks for itself.

If [brother] is upset – he should be man enough to pick up the phone and explain to me whe he has a right to be “so upset” with my asking him not to make fun of the kids.

If [your other brother] is upset – same story.

Your mom – same story.

Your dad – same story.

Then, we can all lay it out on the table with each other and start from scratch with a very clear understanding of what is expected from each other. Only when that happens will I apologize for allegedly “ruining” your family’s Christmas Day for asking [brother] not to make fun of the kids at the point in time that he was doing it.

As for my family – I don’t let them get away with anything when I see it happen. Stop excuse-making and justifying your position with regard to Christmas Day by saying that you “let my family slide many times.” Why? You have always had my 100% backing and support to address any situation that arises as i happens. I should hope that you would do it as nicely as I did with your brother on Christmas Day. Also, if you “let my family slide” when they do something wrong to the children, you are not only doing me a disservice, you are doing the children a disservice by not asking them to stop it. Don’t act like you are doing me or anybody a favor by allegedly “letting them slide.” Again, you are trying to excuse what [brother] said on Christmas with something that is, as usual, not germane to the issue at hand.

As for how I think we can work it out – we must go to a doctor and go together. And, we must stick it out even if what we hear is difficult to accept. Together is the only way to go to ensure that each of us is being honest with the doctor and getting this mess sorted out. As for my nickel assessment of your menal state, I’ve reason to believe what I believe. I’ve stated so with a great deal of thought and with the intent to find out if it is true and see ourselves through if it proves to be true. I’ve never said you were psychotic as you stated in the letter. I don’t think that. I think that there is something seriously wrong which needs to be addressed. As difficult as that is to accept from your husband, the fact remains that for the sake of our marriage and the sake of our children, we should be determined to find out why you can’t deal appropriately with little disagreements and all of the other issues that I believe point to something more serious than “LM is a big asshole, a lousy husband” and all of the other things that you call me. It isn’t right. It isn’t normal. It is something that needs to be addressed.

A whole buncha’more wasted words.

Ejected from Christmas 2001 Festivities

March 27, 2008

Back to the good ‘ole days…

Christmas 2001 was a surreal experience. The holiday was already an unmitigated disaster dating back to Thanksgiving. My grandmother had died and PEW saw fit to descend to new depths of disrespect and viciousness. It was pretty tough. I was dreading Christmas at the Dysfunction Compound (the in-laws) but we were going just the same.

The day was progressing innocently enough. That was, until S1 (3-years old at the time) was chasing a toy under the dining room table and smacked his head on a support. No big deal, a short duration of crying and no real damage done. However, one of PEW’s brothers (the most normal one) saw fit to use that situation to make fun of S1’s head and then subsequently his ears.

Remember now, since nearly the birth of S1, I have had to deal with withholding my anger at PEW’s family who are incessant verbal abusers of one another under the guise of being funny. I did (and do) my share of that with my own brothers. I’m sure it exists in most families. This is different. It’s mean-spirited most of the time and not done in true good humor. PEW’s sister and father (no surprise) were masters. Anytime I broached the subject with PEW, she’d have a near panic-attack and assure me that she’d address it. I believe sometimes she did and sometimes she didn’t. However, when no one in your family has any real respect for you, the effect was typically short-lived.

Now, we were all in the living room sitting on various pieces of furniture, I remember I was laying on the floor facing the dining room where S1 had just smacked his head, and PEW’s bro was tending to him. Truth be told, I have no doubt that PEW’s bro was not being malicious. That wasn’t the point. After the 3 comments about the size of S1’s head, and despite S1’s clear upset at it, he made fun of his ears. Twice. I watched the whole thing unfold.

I said something. First time ever.

I wasn’t outraged. I wasn’t loud. In fact, I was trying to be as discreet as possible given the holiday and the company. Low volume, hoping only he would hear it, I simply and calmly said, “Bro, please don’t make fun of S1 like that.”

He didn’t hear what I said and asked, “What?” It was as if someone turned off every noise in the room. I think I may have heard crickets. Still, I calmly repeated myself, “I just asked you to please not make fun of S1’s head or ears.”

Just as he was replying, surprised, “Oh! Okay. I’m sorry” and as he was turning to S1 saying, “Hey, little guy, I’m sorry for saying that.” All hell started to break loose.

PEW got the rage-face on and asked me what I had said as Psycho-SIL (PP) was listening intently to me respond, calmly, “I asked him not to make fun of S1’s head and ears. No big deal.” She began to lay into me about how rude and inconsiderate I was. I said nothing as I rose and removed myself to the kitchen. They followed me (PEW and PP). The volume started rising as the both of them launched into a high-volume, expletive-laced tirade about how it was the holidays and how could I embarrass Bro like that and I should have taken him aside (as if that would have mattered).

My voice rose as I bellowed back, “Everyone needs to calm down. This is no big deal. I made a request of Bro, he acknowledged it and apologized, and everyone needs to stop, especially in front of the kids!”

They didn’t stop. Right then, S1 comes toddling into the kitchen followed by PEW’s mother, MM. Uncharacteristic of her, she yells, too, with S1 standing right there, “All I know is that I can’t stand any more of this fucking bullshit and everyone better stop it!”

At that point, I had nothing more to say. I forget if it was PEW, PP or both of them – I was then ordered to leave. As I looked around the room and no one stepped up to say, “HOLY CRAP, THIS IS A COMPLETE OVER-REACTION” – I kept my mouth shut, walked out of the kitchen, donned my coat, kissed the boys, and left. I got in my car and I drove home on Christmas Day 2001 and spent it watching television alone…

…because I asked someone to stop making fun of my son.

I was ejected from Christmas! I was pissed beyond all reason, but the time alone saw that subside and I just decided that was enough. I wasn’t going to discuss the matter. Lo and behold, I got the silent treatment for most of the rest of the holiday season.

I can’t recall what precipitated this IMversation which occurred on 1/3/2002, based on my re-read, we must have had a serious discussion about things in the day or so prior to it which is when I likely broached the subject of bipolar disorder. Her older brother is diagnosed bipolar (treated and manages it very well last I heard). He had an episode or two a handful of years earlier. Her sister, PP, is diagnosed bipolar and generally was a complete uncontrollable mess during this time (untreated still as far as I know). Further, I had been researching it as the behaviors sort-of matched, and I was feeling like I was reaching my breaking point. So I confronted her about my suspicions. If you’ve read my post titled When Psycho Sisters Attack – you’ll further understand the depths of my fears that these two primarily parent the children when in PEW’s custody.

PEW: got a minute
LM: Yep.
PEW: i just want to make sure before I make the appointment to see a Psychiatrist that we are on the same page
LM: k
PEW: so if the Doctor says that I am “normal”…..we can part ways….amicably??
LM: We’ll see.
PEW: well i need more than we’ll see……i mean that’s pretty much what you’ve been saying all along
LM: Sure.
PEW: sure?
LM: Yep.
PEW: i don’t understand what you are saying
LM: Sure, if you aren’t diagnosed with anything, you go ahead and file. I’ll have been wrong in my beliefs that it can be fixed and you do what you need to do.
PEW: well I can go ahead and file now…..
LM: You sure can.
PEW: the piece that’s missing is your cooperation
LM: There is nothing that I can do to stop you from filing.


How much more “blessing” does she need? I told her to see a psychiatrist of my choosing. If after going through some meaningful therapy she was given a clean bill of mental health – I would give her a divorce.

PEW: i need that so that I can get my half of the house and move etc…. i can’t move with NO money
LM: We’ll do whatever the judge says.
PEW: well I can’t get legal aid unless I move out
LM: Unless ordered by a judge, I will not continue to further bury the family financially.
PEW: i’m kind of in a pinch here
LM: Well, selling the house for you to file for divorce isn’t an option. Sorry. Borrow it from your dad or something. He’ll get his money back when the judge makes us liquidate.
PEW: well then i’ll have to move in with my parents. there isn’t any other option because I can’t get legal aid while we live together and it’s going to be a mess
LM: Sorry.
PEW: it’s a shame really. it’s only one month sooner than I originally said. what’s the problem
LM: Yeah, it’s a shame.


Okay, now after all of these years of badgering me for a divorce, I essentially give her a yellow-light with a green-light pending, and she has a host of demands that I should just willingly go along with so that she can do it with as much ease and without financial burden as possible. Yeah, okay.

PEW: why would you want to be married to a “crazy” anyway
LM: I love you.
PEW: well, I love you too, but #1….I am not going to married to someone who thinks I am Bipolar….
LM: IF you have an illness of some sort, you’re not “crazy.”
PEW: #2 ….I’m not going to be married to someone who is so unpredictable…..
LM: Fine.
PEW: #3…I can’t be married to someone who is at odds with my family
LM: Okay. I’m not at odds with your family.
PEW: you’ you’re not?
LM: Your family is at odds with me because they can’t deal with being told not to make fun of the children.
PEW: yeah. well listen…..I’m not going to the Psychiatrist because, the same thing will be accomplished by me moving in with my parents


Yes, it sure will. Hindsight seems to indicate that you never should have left your parents home. Ever. Between wanting to move our family on top of them to always running and leaving to go stay with them, it was clear that’s where she wanted to be, though Lord only knows why.

LM: No it won’t.
PEW: yeah…it will
LM: And be assured, you’re not moving in with your parents with the boys.
PEW: we’ll go to court….and a judge will decide. what are you going to do. you can’t stop me
LM: I’ll file for custody of the children, ask for an immediate judgement because I can’t have my children living under the same roof with an alcoholic.
PEW: well i’ll just tell the judge that you wouldn’t move out… I had to
LM: Nor can I have them exposed to the periodic visits from somebody who is suffering from a mental illness, is prone to violence and stalking, and has tried to kill herself
PEW: he isn’t going to take the kids from me because of my family
LM: Yes, he will. Count on it.

Foolish me believing that would matter. Obviously, based on my post from the other day, none of the (3) custody evaluators, armed with that knowledge, even from PEW’s own mouth and writings… seemed to think that was detrimental to the children, so what the hell do I know?

PEW: you’re prone to violence too. don’t try to scare me LM
LM: I’m not.
PEW: whatever happens ….happens…..i think you’re mentally ill…..i also think you are an alcoholic
LM: Now, this conversation is over. You have your answer.
PEW: so they are better off with me
LM: I refuse to argue with you anymore on any topic.
PEW: well….i’m moving to my parents house
LM: Okay.
PEW: you leave me no other choice
LM: I won’t be home for lunch. I’m going directly to the courthouse. Sorry, you leave me no choice.
PEW: well if you would move out for one month…..
LM: No.
PEW: it would save us both alot of heartache
LM: No it wouldn’t.
PEW: well then i won’t move in with my parents….i’ll take that discover card with the $15000 limit and charge an apartment
LM: If you don’t want to be near me, and your parents is the only place you can go… then you can go there when I get home from work for a month.
PEW: NO. i’m not leaving my kids. no way
LM: Nor am I.
PEW: you can move in with one of your brothers for ONE month
LM: Sorry.
PEW: while we sort this out. you are so mean


There I am again. Mean old me, the big meanie because I won’t do as she commands again. Bastard!

LM: No, I’m not. I only talk to you nicely at home. I’ve told you to do what you feel you need to do. And that is all I have to say on the matter pending a visit to a doctor.
PEW: well i’m not going because after that you’ll just come up with something else. you need the Psychiatrist
LM: Okay… bye-bye.
PEW: if you asked me for a divorce….you’d have it. the discover card it is then
LM: Good luck. It’s in your name. Don’t abuse it.
PEW: so what…i’ll get $30000 when the house sells
LM: You wish. We’ll take a bath on that, too.
PEW: i only need about $2500. no…we won’t. the house is worth about $230000. Plus i’ll get 1/2 of your retirement. both [401K-1] and [401K-2]
LM: lol
PEW: you’re a rotten person
LM: You’ve got it all worked out, don’t you? See ya.
PEW:not really


Isn’t that interesting? Yet another example of how she has all the financials figured out while incessantly accusing me of “only being about the money.” It’s the fallback of many disgruntled ex’s. If you want the children, it must only be because you don’t want to pay child support. It must only be because you want to keep the house “for yourself.” Well, unfortunately, people can’t argue one side of that coin without considering that the other side of that coin has just as much merit. Mothers who want custody of their children must only want them because of the income… the assets… the cars… etc. Classic projection.

I said one sentence at Christmas and I’m the one at odds with her family. I got “thrown-out” of Christmas Holiday, but I’m the one at odds with her family. Half of her family had a meltdown but it’s me. That whole family is a pack of sick people.

Nice pick, eh? Pure genius.