Archive for the ‘misandry’ Category

Public Awareness Campaign for Abused Men

May 15, 2008

The organization known as the Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women is always working to raise awareness of domestic violence, especially that perpetrated upon men. Their latest campaign is a poster effort drawing attention to domestic violence.

As part of our ongoing effort to bring more awareness to society about abused men and the availability of our toll free helpline and services for men in relationships with abusive women, we have had a public awareness poster designed. This 11 x 17 poster has “tear off” sheets attached at the bottom right hand corner with the agency’s name, helpline number and website address printed on them so that someone can easily tear off a sheet and stick it in their pocket to take the information with them.

We are hoping that these posters (when placed in various public places along side of other information re: domestic violence) will help men realize that when they are emotionally, psychologically and/or physically assaulted by their intimate female partner it’s also called domestic violence.

Would you like to put some of these posters up in your local area to bring more awareness to this much ignored and hidden side of domestic violence? We are now taking orders. The suggested donation for each poster is $4.50 which covers shipping and handling and the minimum order is 10 posters. Please write us at or call 207-683-5758 to place your order.

This organization is also sponsoring the Men’s Experience with Partner’s Aggression Project, which is still an active effort. I urge you to read this article and participate. When laws and legislation such as the Violence Against Women’s Act serve to label all men as abusers and only women as victims (purporting oftentimes as many as 95% of perpetrators are male), it’s efforts such as those undertaken by the Domestic Violence Helpline for Men and Women that are working so hard to bring a sense of reality and true equality to the situations. When it comes to establishing the necessary funds and support mechanisms that are so desperately needed to assist men suffering from domestic violence – it is up to men to report their experiences at every opportunity. Not only are you protecting yourself, you set the wheels in motion for many others to receive protection and assistance as well.

Forget about being embarrassed about reporting an intimate partner for domestic violence. It’s not necessary to “man-up” and just deal with it, no matter how much ridicule you expect you might receive. There is a reason that false accusations against men and restraining orders based upon same are so effective at separating men from their freedom and family (and oftentimes much more). It’s due to all that “manning-up.” It’s due to a life of being taught to “never hit a woman.” Men have been trained to avoid doing anything that will bring “harm” to a woman. In the interim, the level of violence perpetrated by women is becoming more and more public. Even though they may not be punished to the same level as men, only a continued effort to expose violence, no matter the gender, will see slow changes come to the mindset of men = perpetrator, women = victims.

I ask you, which situation makes men appear more foolish?

Option A: Your jackass friends laughing at you for reporting that your wife/girlfriend beats you up?

Option B: Sitting in jail when you when you finally defend yourself, leave a mark, and then you explain the situation to your jackass friends from behind the glass at your local prison?

If she’s being violent, take action. Call the police. Call the help line. Report it. Report it every single time. I just dealt with it and did so for a long time. When I look back and think about how many times things could have turned out so horribly different… yes… even moreso than what you read about here… I suddenly realize how worthless “manning up” really is.

Violence Against Women’s Act (VAWA) – A Scourge on Society

February 29, 2008

Contrary to the relentless dissemination of anti-male hysteria by well-organized feminist groups, their political action committees, and spineless legislators led by lead feminist Joe Biden (D-De) – the reality is that women are just as likely as men to commit domestic violence. They are most likely to neglect and kill their children. If they’re not doing it, someone with whom they’ve shacked-up are involved is doing it with them or because they allow it to occur. In almost every case this is more than likely after the Divorce Machine has unceremoniously kicked the father out of the family and his children’s lives. Biological fathers are the least likely to abuse, neglect, or kill their children. The creation and passage of the Violence Against Women’s Act, a completely unconstitutional piece of legislation, has ensured a disgraceful level of funding and has put in place the tools any woman needs to destroy a man’s life. She has the full support and resources of federal and state governments to accomplish this, while misandrist organizations such as N.O.W. pat themselves on the back for a mission accomplished.

Their motto: “No matter the transgression – it will always be a man’s fault.” As a result, the man must pay.

– Men pay with the loss of involvement with their children in an overwhelming majority of the cases.

– Men pay with inordinately high child support orders in an overwhelming majority of the cases.

– Men pay with higher sentences when convicted of crimes than women who commit the same crimes.

– Men pay unnecessary punitive measures when they fall behind in child support while women rarely are punished in any meaningful capacity for custodial interference.

– Men pay through paternity fraud (many unknowingly) which is an absolute crisis in this country, oftentimes saddled with decades-long financial penalties supporting children that were never theirs. Women are rarely arrested for paternity fraud and penalties are rarer still and weak at best.

– False domestic violence accusations are an epidemic and mandatory arrest policies further the life-affecting damage on men. Women and children are adversely affected as well. Children lose a parent. They may lose their homes. Men may lose their freedom. Worse, people who do truly suffer domestic violence are at greater risk when when people waste the resources when making such fraudulent claims.

VAWA violates the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution by providing obscene levels of federal funding to protect only one gender – women.

VAWA violates the principle of federalism of the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution, infringing on state sovereignty.

The Civil Rights violations are numerous and yet this “act” is current law.

This systematic demonization of men has been 30+ years in the making has been shockingly successful. The message has been clear and drummed relentlessly into the public consciousness. There is no excuse for domestic violence against a woman! What has been missing from that equation are children and most especially – men. Men need to wake up and organize to reverse this mythology before it’s too late, assuming it’s not already too late.

Reality Check: WOMEN ARE JUST AS LIKELY AS MEN TO COMMIT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Many recent, reputable studies have reinforced this reality.

From Martin S. Fiebert out of the Department of Psychology at Cal-State Long Beach comes such incredible information from References examining assaults by women on their spouses or male partners, including:

  • Women were more likely than men to “use one or more acts of physical aggression and to use such acts more frequently.”
  • Men suffered serious injuries in 38% of domestic violence cases.
  • Men were 9-times less like to report domestic violence.
  • 30% of men and 49% of women reported using some form of aggression in their dating histories with a greater percentage of women engaging in severe physical aggression.
  • One comprehensive report of findings from international dating violence study which collected data from over 11,000 (70% women) college students from 50 universities in 21 countries. Subjects responded to the revised Conflict Tactics scale, gender hostility scales and injury scales. Findings reveal that women perpetrated greater partner violence than men, that women were more seriously injured than men and that hostility toward the opposite sex was significantly and similarly correlated with partner violence for men and women.

These are just a few samples from in excess of 100 which demonstrate the realities of domestic violence. This is reality, folks. For more reality, I strongly recommend the series of posts at Glenn Sacks’ site: From Ideology to Inclusion – Evidence-Based Policy (Domestic Violence Conference).

My message to men? It’s time to shed the tough-guy, I can deal with it attitude. If your partner or spouse batters you, call the police. Deal with the comments and snide remarks. If you’re not believed, call again next time, too – and keep calling. Don’t drop the charges, even though, for now, she may only get a slap on the wrist. If there is still time, participate in The Men’s Experience with Partner Agression Project. The figures above are very likely low due to the male penchant to avoid getting help. It’s why there is no “Violence Against Men’s Act.” It’s why there is no “Violence Against Person’s Act.” It’s why a “Men’s Domestic Violence Shelter” is as common as pregnant man. It’s why not one penny of the billions appropriated for VAWA is spent on equal protections for men.

I often wonder that if I didn’t see fit to hide my embarrassment and shame for what I was embroiled in and called the cops when the few times things got physical, I *might* have faired better in the early days of the divorce & custody battle. Maybe I wouldn’t have chosen to endure these experiences as long as I did. At least towards the end, I was smart enough to call the police when things started to deteriorate and escalate between us. It’s very likely why I managed to escape the false domestic abuse allegations that countless others have not.

On September 30, the Violence Against Women’s Act is scheduled to expire. This means that radical feminists and their misandry-pushing organizations such as N.O.W. will be engaging in a full-out media assault to dust off the false hysterical claims to vilify the male of the species and mobilize support for a renewal. Frankly, I’m saddened by the fact that so many follow leadership that has been so frequently embarrassed after having some of their scare-tactics and hysteria so effectively debunked by real facts.

Please don’t allow this to happen. What has transpired since its inception is nothing more than criminal and affects men, women, and children alike. It’s not too early to start contacting your state’s representatives and oppose any attempts to renew this unconstitutional travesty. Worse, Biden and his cronies in man-hatred, along with his radical feminist supporters have even considered spreading this scourge worldwide via I-VAWA which would see U.S. Taxpayer dollars spent overseas to spread this anti-male cancer across the globe. The rest of the world doesn’t need this type of poison spread throughout.

ACT NOW. Act against both the renewal of VAWA and the implementation of I-VAWA by contacting your legislators today, tomorrow, and as often as you can make the time between now and September. Click here to find out how to contact your representatives. If you care about men, women, and children in this country, your efforts are needed to defeat this. It’s devastating to families. It’s a burden on every citizen of this country. Help put a stop to it.