Archive for the ‘crazy phone calls’ Category

To Document or Not To Document (And When)?

September 2, 2008

Despite the struggles experienced as we’ve walked this path of familial destruction, one thing that has been a tremendous help along the way is having documentation of the experiences, The Psycho Ex-Wife‘s behaviors, voice mails, you name it. Of particular help has been that documentation which is written by the PEW herself. While it has never had the “earth-shatteringly positive” effects I had often hoped it would have, it has helped, particularly when it came to defending myself against the never-ending and ever escalating accusations. Without it, it most certainly would have been my word against hers, the all-too-common “he-said, she-said” and when up against a person who can act and cry on a moment’s notice and play the victim role worthy of an Academy Award – I would have suffered so much more, of that I’m sure.

We still live in a world where men are taught to treat a woman like a lady. By and large, that’s not a bad thing to teach or learn. It becomes a societal problem when the people with whom you’ll deal on a regular basis have been taught the same. No one goes about teaching children that in divorce & family court that a mother has the capability to use any means necessary to their advantage, no matter what. Attorneys, judges, conferences officers can be and often are – duped by the dramatic presentation, the flow of tears, and facing a mother who “only wants what’s best for her children.” She is vulnerable. She is in need of help. When you live in a world where it is generally accepted that men are always the predator and women are always the victim, dad is behind the proverbial 8-ball before proceedings ever start.

The personal issue with which you’ll struggle – when do you start the documentation. Most people live their lives working to save loving, happy memories. They don’t set out to save unhappy memories and bad times. It’s unnatural. It’s not normal. It’s also difficult when you’re doing so while continuing to try to work to save the marriage. You’ll feel sneaky. You’ll feel as though you’re “setting her up.” You’ll also need to get over it. There is too much at stake to take a flyer on things working out or for things not to get so much more nasty than they have already been in your relationship and you’re going to need all of the help you can make for yourself.

All I can tell you is what prompted me to begin the documentation saving: I started saving everything when I realized that I was not going to be able to improve things and that I believed that it was only a matter of time before the marriage would end. None of the counseling worked. Moving didn’t work. Changing myself didn’t work. It was one hurdle placed after another. Add to the mix the many times had actually left or threatened to leave during our relationship, and there was simply nothing else to conclude. It was going to end. It was just a matter of when. So, back in about the year 2000, I saved every nasty email and letter and exchange. I did so only because despite my belief that things had changed for the better for fathers (boy, was I wrong) – I knew her penchant for embellishment and flat-out fabrication was a finely honed skill. No one would believe any story I would tell them because her private persona was so radically different from her public one (well, excepting the rare public meltdown). I had no choice but to start saving the evidence that would either exonerate me from whatever accusations would be forthcoming and/or to show people the “real” PEW. Even with all of the documentation, there were disbelievers, I assure you. It will be a great challenge to show the world and expose a master manipulator for who they truly are. The fall-back position is being able to show the world who you truly are not.

History can be your friend if you are dealing with a manipulative woman. Chances are that you have known each other for a decent period of time. Over the period of your life that you have been involved with this person you should have had a chance to see her in action. Throughout your relationship she has probably learned how to push your buttons just as much as you have learned to push hers. This intimate knowledge can be turned into strength for you.

In terms of your relationship, healthy or otherwise, be conscious of her actions. More importantly, be conscious of your own! Realize what she is trying to do when she behaves badly or appears to be pushing you for a bad reaction. She may be doing her best to make you look bad while keeping a log of every wrong step you take. Any incident could just as easily come back to haunt you during the custody proceedings. In every situation, you must remain as calm and rational as possible. You must not escalate. Never forget, anything you put in writing can be used for the same ends. If you engage in long back-and-forths via email, always be the calm one. No foul language. No insults. No threats. You best always be doing the right thing no matter what. This is easier said than done and requires a great deal of self-discipline.

Whenever possible, turn the tables. Be very diligent about keeping a journal or some sort of record concerning her aggressive, manipulating, or baiting behavior. The tables are turned when you use her own attempts at manipulation to make her look bad and prepare yourself to have those moments come back to haunt her.

Like it or not, women have the decided advantage in a custody fight. Even a woman who is not normally manipulative has an advantage. If you truly believe that it is in the best interests of your child(ren) to be under your care, you must be realistic and know that the battle will likely get quite ugly. As seen in our guest column from August 24th, 2008, she may do things that you never thought she could be capable of. As sad a reality as this is, you will have to become manipulative in your own right in order to expose that “dark side” and accumulate the documentation you need to help yourself and your children.

A father has to do work very hard to come out of a custody battle with a high-conflict spouse and have any meaningful amount of custody of his children, let alone sole- or primary-custody.

When do you start saving the documentation? Only you have the answer to that question. Even in a perfect relationship, those few times where your partner went “off the deep end” and wrote you a vile nastygram, assaulted you and admitted it during an email exchange, wrote you about suicidal thoughts or actual attempts – whatever it is – it may be worth stashing away in an email folder. My choice came when, after years of struggling and trying to mend the ills within our marriage, I knew it was a lost cause. Fortunately, I had more than 4-years worth of documentation prior to her pulling the plug. Hell, even telling her from the outset of what I was doing and why never stopped her from going berserk. She still hasn’t stopped to this day.

You may not be that “fortunate.”

Trust me when I tell you that I know that this article is one that will be difficult to digest. Suggesting that one might consider saving such things, even in a great marriage, flies in the face of what we believe about hope, love, faith, trust… I’ve even had the bizarre thought that two people should have a mutual agreement to save such items. If nothing else, it could help to keep both parties rather civil during disagreements!

I’m very interested in seeing what your thoughts are on this topic.

You’ve Been Holding Me Hostage for YEARS!

August 11, 2008

Okay, time to jump back into the time machine as we’ve just started down the divorce/custody path. July was relatively uneventful, but I still did get nasty emails and voice mails. I suppose I put her in my block list on instant messenger which would account for the lack of IM ambushes during the summer.

After one particularly nasty voice mail message, I called back and told her I wouldn’t reply to such nastiness anymore. She followed with an email:


I received your VM message. Are you serious? Disrespectful? I told you that you’re a liar so you’re going to get a restraining order? Seriously? I wasn’t even angry on the phone.

Here’s how things went down….the facts. You need to check yourself.

I asked you for a divorce over 3 years ago when I was pregnant with S2. Then I asked for a divorce about 5 subsequent times over the following 3 years. You told me “No, I’m not giving you a divorce”. I went to the counselor of your choosing, both Dr. M…… and Dr. P…… I went to individual counseling. Only to realize that I couldn’t fix what was wrong between us, especially since you weren’t willing to change because you self diagnosed me as being “mentally ill” because I use too much electricity or whatever your reasons are. Maybe because I asked you to do a little housework or something.

Anyway, here we are 3 years later. I was hoping I would be able to stick it out until the boys were older. Maybe I should have, who knows? This isn’t where I want to be in my life right now, but when you decided that you “deserved” a motorcycle…..that’s when I decided that there really was no use in punishing myself anymore. I made a mistake. I married someone who loves money and things more than people. I’m trying to correct that mistake. I’m finding out exactly how “right” I actually was all this time. You want to be the primary custodial parent so that you don’t have to pay support. I know it, you know it, [your lawyer] knows it, [my lawyer] knows it, everyone in both of our family knows it……the judge will know it.

You need to do a little soul searching…..if you have one. I love the boys and I know you do. I want to co-parent with you. I want an amicable relationship. I used to want to be friends, but I’ve let go of that notion completely. I can’t be friends with someone who would put money in front of his own children.

Get a grip on yourself, PLEASE. I’m pissed and rightfully so. You have been holding me hostage for years and YOU KNOW IT. Maybe that’s why I seem mentally ill do you. Also if you keep saying stuff like that, I’m going to ask [my lawyer] to look into slander charges.


Mmmhmmm… the facts:

– She was her usual nasty self via VM. No one has bigger voice mail and email muscles than PEW.

– She claims to have gone to a counselor of my choosing. She didn’t. She refused to go and I went to counseling on my own. When her paranoia about what was being discussed in those sessions became too unbearable, she decided to come and tell “her version” of the truth. When confronted about some of her issues by both – she quit.

– All of her claims about “money and things” are absolutely projection on her part. I can still hear the reason for the divorce: “You don’t make enough money, I don’t have enough things, and therefore, you just don’t treat me right.” I kid you not.

– She would often claim co-parenting, wanting to be friends, wanting to be amicable, all the while doing the exact opposite every single step of the way.


Do not harrass me by phone or I will take appropriate action. I have no objection to your being pissed off at me for any reason, legitimate or otherwise. I will not allow your verbal abuse to continue any more.

If you want to vent at me, do it via email. If you call me and are disrespectful and abusive any more in the future, I will take action.

That is all I have to say on the subject.

Thank you. Have a nice day.



You need to outline for me what it was that I said that you considered “verbal abuse” because historically anything that is in disagreement with your opinion is “abuse”……please elaborate. I was not abusive to you on the phone. Your hystrionics need to stop. You screamed in my face for the past 10 years now all of the sudden, me calling you a “liar” is me abusing YOU?


I should have replied, “When you open your mouth.”


I will not outline what constitutes verbal abuse. As I said in my VM, I will now record every phone conversation we have. It has nothing to do with you calling me a liar and everything to do with the name-calling and the wild accusations you levy at me with no foundation in reality.

If you continue to do this, particularly via phone, and especially if you call me in work to do it, I will record the conversation and take any appropriate action I can to see that it stops.

I don’t harass you in work. I don’t harrass you at home. I expect the same in return. Stop initiating fights.


Do you see a pattern here? (From BOTH of us?) Oh, do I wish I had learned about low-contact in 2004 instead of 2005.

PEW Can’t Handle The Kids – Wants to Settle (not)

August 4, 2008

June 23rd, 2004 – PEW calls me distraught over not being able to handle the children. She says she wants a settlement of $30,000 and will give me primary custody of the children. This is actually the 2nd-time I’ve gotten a “I can’t handle the kids” phone call and have taken them off her hands for at least a night.

This will be another in a long line of agreements that will be rescinded. In any event, with the hope of a settlement being dangled in front of me, I spring into action, call my attorney, and hastily try to organize the details of how to get it all documented, signed, sealed, and delivered. The phone discussion where she was angry, distraught, helpless took place on the evening of the 23rd. I think I was on the phone (on and off) with the attorney all day on the 24th. I send her an email on the 25th…


FYI >>> I spoke with [retirement company] again this morning and they informed me that I cannot take a distribution to settle the matter. It must be a Qualifed Domestic Relations Order of transfer into an account for you. That said… here’s an option for consideration…

– Settlement: I agree to a figure that will YIELD the $30G you’ve requested. Sign-over the van.

– Custody: I want to be custodial parent. It doesn’t matter to me how the language is worded, but I want to have primary legal/physical custody and we can agree to an appropriate level of time with each other as we discussed last night. You will have the flexibility to take them 50% of the time if you want… 40% of the time… 25% of the time… I will be happy to work together on that and make arrangements to accommodate you whenever possible.

Please do keep in mind that I am limited with what I can do with work, but so far they have been very accommodating to our situation.

– Support: To be discussed. So, if the above is something you feel you would be comfortable with, we could avoid any court for the foreseeable future. Let’s discuss and see if we can agree. If we can’t, no problem… we’ll just have to abide by whatever the court ultimately decides.


I took a shot. Keep in mind, I have no experience in a divorce of this significance and I was destined for frustration at every turn. Discussing matters one-on-one was intended to save both time and money. Reality is – it probably contributed to more wasted time and money than “just letting the lawyers handle it.”


I’m sorry but that just isn’t going to work for me. Tomorrow [my attorney’s] office will be requesting a hearing for equitable distribution.

LM, I need to buy a home and be able to provide the same things that you will provide for the kids. There’s no reason why you should have primary custody. I don’t “need” you to have them 70% of the time….you haven’t had them even 60% of the time. I’m not getting why you would even suggest that to me. I want to be with my children a minimum of 50% of the time. I really think that you are being unreasonable trying to keep a $300,000 home, while I live in an apartment. We should both be living in a $150,000 home….in the community that is best for our kids. Why is this so hard for you to grasp? Also, I have NO money this week…..I just got paid and I had to pay my rent. Please don’t make me have to borrow money from my parents.


Yes, applying grade-school math to a very complex problem. She inflates the appraised value of the home by nearly $50,000 for dramatic effect. Then, given where we live – suggests that the end-result should be $150,000 homes (which is tantamount to a shed in the area that we lived at the time) for each of us. She loved making everything equal… equal work… equal fault… equal responsibility… everything equal… except when it favored her. Funny how that works. You do nothing to improve yourself in life, so take it from someone else. That’s “equality.” Her taking from someone else. Not an uncommon practice in the world of divorce and family court.

I did have more than 60% custodial time with the children in May and was slated to be the way things were for the foreseeable future given her “unchangeable” work schedule. So much for the best laid plans. It was as if her distraught phone call of the other night never happened and this offer of mine just came out of nowhere.

I wasted my time and my attorney’s time getting this all put together. Oh, and of course, she “has no money” (no surprise there) and it’s up to me to pay her way right out of the gate.

A New Call for Help from the Psycho Ex-Wife

July 24, 2008

It would appear that the nasty snowball is beginning to pick up speed as it rolls down the hill. Let’s hope, for us and the children, we suffer only a glancing blow…

This morning, I am rousted from la-la land by the tell-tale buzzing coming from the cellphone which I have again – failed to turn off before going to bed.

When I finally manage to drag my ass downstairs, there is one voice mail and one text message. It’s PEW. The voice mail lets me know that she has a “huge favor to ask” of me and could I “PLEASE call back.” The text message: “Can we talk?”

Today, I decide I will call during lunch time. It’s probably something to do with the home foreclosure notice. I chat it over with DW and agree that if it’s not an urgent matter pertaining to the children (in keeping with low-contact methodology) – the call is over. Of course, I am calling which is outside my rule of “written communication only” – which only means I’ll have a much quicker trigger-finger on the hang-up. Still, I have to know.

She calls me at lunch from work. She almost immediately launches into tears and is sobbing on the phone. She has called to ask me for a loan, which, in and of itself is morbidly comical given her shot credit (nevermind that she’s asking me).

It seems that her auto lease is up in one week. So, in keeping with her mindless financial ignorance and irresponsibility, she expected to walk right in, turn this car in and get another one! No muss, no fuss! Well, that’s not quite how things turned out. She walked into the dealership so full of her usual false confidence and they told her, NO WAY! This is telling because, it wasn’t “your credit is not the best, the terms are going to be different” or “you’ve never missed a payment with us, so all is good, we’ll just need a bigger security deposit” or anything like that. It was a flat-out “NO – we’re not giving you a car. Sorry. We’ll see you next week when it’s time to turn yours in!”

She asked me to loan her $1,000 to purchase a car which she would “pay me back very quickly.” Are you kidding me? She “knows someone” who has a car that she can get for $2,000 and she might be able to only come up with $1,000. This means she will make another knee-jerk decision on a car that is probably a complete piece-of-shit, if not a danger to the children… that is, assuming she can get one at all. This is just great. Now the kids are “looking forward” to having no home and no car. Worse than that, if she can’t get a loan, keep a home, and has been turned down for a car, how in the hell is she going to be able to secure a safe, appropriate-for-the-kids apartment?!?!

I remember all too well the days approaching the sale of the marital home… the steep child support figure… and running a budget only to find out what I could (couldn’t, actually) afford in terms of a place to live. I was unhappy with every single option available to me – mostly because they weren’t in very good neighborhoods and the school systems weren’t up to my satisfaction. And what I could get for about $1,000/month during the real estate boom was minimalist at best.

She sobbed telling me that she can’t borrow any more money from her family as she’s already borrowed something in excess of $20,000. Her siblings aren’t an option. I explained to her very succinctly that I am not an option and wouldn’t, even if I could… I’ve already paid her $40,000+ over the last 4-years for which she has nothing to show. She got $65,000 from the forced sale of the marital home. She took out a 2nd-mortgage to the tune of $51,000. She told me years ago her credit cards were at or near max to the tune of $32,000 conservatively. She earned through her work $140,000 conservatively in the last 4-years. I paid short-term spousal support early on in this debacle to the tune of approximately $2,500. She cashed out her 401K a while back which was conservatively $20,000.

She has spent of her own and other people’s money roughly $370,000 over the course of 4-years and has absolutely nothing to show for it, except her house which is going to be taken away from her. I mean, she only put $10,000 down on the house and nothing down on her car lease, where did all that money go?!?!?!

Adding to the head-spinning is the fact that in the last few weeks she has:

– Gone on vacation for 10-days with the boys.
– Gone out to the movies and to lunch with her sister.
– Took the children to a live WWE Wrestling Event, with 8th-row seats, 2-nights ago.

Small potatoes in the grand scheme, but her unmitigated gall never fails to amaze… and know that this is not because we’re the picture of financial perfection – but we’re plodding along with our focus on continuing to right our own ship in the aftermath of all this messiness. That means – no “real” vacation in the last 3-years among many other sacrifices to keep from being exactly where PEW is right now.

The conversation ended with her saying, “Well, at least it was worth a try. Thanks for listening.” I hung up without reply. I’m worrying more and more each day wondering how this is going to impact the kids… knowing I have to wait for a complete collapse before being in a position to do anything about any of this… and there will still be no guarantee that things will turn in my favor or the children’s favor in the aftermath of that collapse.

What a mess.

The PEW & DW Speak on the Phone!

March 5, 2008

It will be the only time they ever do. ‘Twas June 30th, 2005.

The call was one of many early on which would degrade into one of the regular useless discussions we had. Obviously, this is way before we learned about low-contact methods. This was the first summer that DW and I were living together and the earliest part of our re-ignited custody battle. This argument centered around her changing her (alleged) plans at the 11th-hour that was going to upset a portion of our scheduled vacation. It was a vacation that had been planned more than 3-months earlier and for which we had agreement on when it would start and the exchange particulars.

Somewhere along the line she asked to speak with DW. I was initially against it and gave both of them several opportunities to say no. Neither did and, against my better judgement, I reluctantly handed over the phone to DW.

From here, the rest of the story will be DW’s to tell.



I wasn’t exactly thrilled with PEW, as you can imagine, but frankly we needed to get it over with and the conversation began as “I just want to get things settled so we can start getting along.” Okay – great! Haha, pulled me right in, didn’t she?

So things start off with PEW saying she wants to settle the summer schedule so she never has to talk to LM again, I reply, “Well then sign the boys over for the summer like you know you should and then it’s all done.” She agrees and I tell her to have her attorney draw up the paperwork. The reason I said this is that she had a very long history of agreeing, then LM would pay to have the paperwork done, and of course she never would sign it. The prior day PEW had told us she had a new attorney (that would kick our ass of course *rolleyes*).

So, she surprises me when she says, “oh I don’t have an attorney.” I call her on the lie and she spins a story about not being able to afford to pay her, blah blah blah, and what does she do then? She ASKS ME to pay for her attorney. Yes, a woman whose ex-husband I am dating, asks me to pay for her attorney to keep his children away from him. Hello? Can you say psycho? I calmly decline and she begins the downward spiral starting with, “Well, LM is just using you for your money, and you only have money because your parents put you through school.”

Here’s another thing about BPD’s – they try to go for what they perceive to be your weak points, but PEW really didn’t know me. She literally had only seen me for 2 minutes at a time and done some research (stalking) about me online. She falsely assumed a lot of things which just made me laugh. My parents are dirt poor and I worked my way through my degree, but even if my parents had paid for it, I find it funny that she would think that was an insult to me.

From here on out PEW basically tries to throw anything and everything at me hoping something will stick. “Well I just want you to know that I am here for you when LM starts abusing you, because no one was there for me.” First of all, she would have called her Daddy about .025 seconds after something happened if LM had actually abused her, so I didn’t believe that line at all. Then she tries to go after my ex-husband saying she wants to talk to him to let him know “what kind of man [I’m] living with.” Anytime she was met with facts like, “well PEW, we’ve been dating for 11-months now and he has yet to hit me or yell at me, when is this supposed to start?” – she would begin calling me names and telling me that I’m “just like him.”

After a little while we get on the subject of how she introduced the kids to her (short-lived) boyfriend after only 3-weeks, this after arguing that the kids shouldn’t meet me as we had only been dating for 6- or 7-months at the time. She had just lied to the custody evaluator telling her they had been together for 6-months and I called her on it. So what does she do? She asks me if I would like to talk to him because HE IS SITTING RIGHT THERE. Okay, this woman has been talking to her ex-husband’s girlfriend for an hour with her boyfriend sitting there by himself? It’s no wonder he dumped her ass shortly after the call. Anyway, he gets on the phone and I ask when they started dating. He verifies the exact timeline we had told the evaluator. So, PEW gets back on the phone and I call her on it. She starts backpeddling saying they “were dating but not telling anyone.” I asked her if he was aware that they had been dating, she immediately began calling me names again. The more I laughed, the more undone she became.

So then she starts calling me on my education and company background. She apparently believes that she has “earned a psych degree because she worked with kids for 5-years!” (I explained to her that she works with kids because they are the only people who look up to her because they don’t know better. This is supported by the types of problems she had when working with adults in a professional setting.) She went on saying that she has, and I quote, “lived psychology.” I simply replied, “being mentally disturbed, and having 3 family members with bipolar disorder, doesn’t in fact mean you have a psych degree.”

I continually tried to steer the conversation back to the issues we were supposed to be discussing, such as the story she kept telling family members about how LM took the van and left her with the (allegedly) “shitty car.” The reality? She had, in fact, chosen that car in the divorce settlement because it meant she got more money. I asked why she had wanted the marital home sold and the boys kicked out of the only home they had known, etc. She had no answers and would simply start calling me names like a 6-year old.

Since I wasn’t believing her story, she agreed to do several things to prove it all to me. She was going to print all the e-mails she had from LM showing the abuse. They never materialized. Not a single one. She said if the evaluation came down indicating LM as the “better parent” she wouldn’t go to court. Ha, she not only went that time, but again and again, and again. I made a $100 bet that no matter what the evaluation said she would say the counselor was snowed over by LM and that he needed psychological help – she lost, she never paid me. (Yes, CE #2 actually indicated that LM was the better equipped parent, but apparently not enough to give him primary custody. Her recommendation did increase his time, though.) PEW literally used that exact wording – “LM snowed her.” Interestingly enough, I can remember the first thing that custody evaluator #2 said when LM and I went in for our joint session with her. “Well, what are we going to do about PEW?” I kid you not. What do you say to that?

One interesting thing PEW did admit in the conversation was that her parenting skills are poor. Yeah, I was as surprised as you are. I said, “Yes, the children are better behaved when they are not with you.” What did she do? She turned that statement around the next day to everyone in her family and the police claiming that I said “the children were better off without you” and that she was threatened. This incident led to our first threatening phone calls from her family, police calls and visits, which we’ll include at some point.

Believe it or not, I was nice throughout the conversation, never called her a name, never really put her down, until towards the end of the call. She ended up getting so frustrated that she kept repeating over and over that I was “nothing.” I just told her if that makes her feel better to think so, whatever, I know the truth. So she tries to go for one more attack, her favorite: “So, can LM get it up?” Remember, her boyfriend is right there next to her! My response was calm and cool, “Actually yes, on demand, but that’s probably because I take care of myself unlike you,” *CLICK* She hung up just as I was about to add, “you fat pig.” I just had to after listening to her ramblings for an hour and a half. I added a few more sentences that were vulgar just to see LM’s reaction as he didn’t know she had hung up. His mortified facial reaction was priceless – that was the highlight of the call.

PEW Continues to Harrass About New Year’s Eve 2007

December 31, 2007

Continued from: Reinterpreting the Order Again

I decide to break no/low-contact in order to make sure she’s clear my position on the order, though I did tell her on the phone before hanging up in her ear as she started to go off. Due to a number of emails and text messages since then, I send the following this morning:

(12/31/07, 11:28AM)


In response to your latest barrage of emails, voice mails, and text messages threatening me with more litigation, I will offer you the following information regarding your latest misinterpretation of the court order.

New Year’s Holiday is defined as December 31st through January 1st. Father has odd years. Mother has even years. As the “holiday” as defined begins in 2007, this is my year. The language of our orders haven’t changed since the first one. Further, our history confirms my recollection of the order and not your latest revision. You had New Years Holiday in 2004 (three years ago) and 2006 (last year) under this same language. I had New Years Holiday in 2005 (two years ago). This is now 2007 and is my year. Historically, whoever had Christmas, the other had New Years. The only reason it’s different this year is because prior to you being found in contempt of court, this would have been your next scheduled Christmas (followed by my next scheduled New Years).

I believe that this explanation is exceedingly clear and you will refute it. Just be assured that as I had informed you over the phone, the children will not be coming home today despite your orders for me to do so. Please stop with the incessant harassment. Stop with the unnecessary and unsupportable litigation.

After sending this, she calls to wish the boys Happy New Year. After chatting with the boys, I overhear S6 run into his bedroom and say to S9, “Mom said that dad is holding us here when it’s supposed to be her time with us! She said we are supposed to be with her and not with dad!”

Engaging the children in such issues is another violation of the court order and another in a long line of efforts to alienate the children against me. I walk out of the bathroom and into their room and the following discussion takes place:

Remaining calm, I simply explained to them, with their assistance (they know the week-on week-off schedule) what the situation is.

Me: My week was the week before Christmas, correct?
Them: Yes.
Me: Normally, Christmas week would have been mom’s this year, but trust me when I tell you that a special circumstance came up and I was supposed to have you for Christmas this year. Okay?
Them: Okay.
Me: That means, where are you supposed to be this week?
Them: With you.
Me: Please believe me when I tell you that I would not keep you from being with your mother. You are with me because that is our schedule and mom isn’t supposed to be telling you any differently. It is not your business to deal with, okay?
Them: Okay. Sorry.
Me: There is no need to apologize, I just want to make sure you know the truth.

I really don’t like having such conversations with the children. I’d really like for them to just be little kids and not be burdened with such bullshit, but alas, their mother – being the selfish, psycho that she is, will not hesitate to cross any boundary in order to create havoc. She doesn’t care about these children or the impact her behavior has on them.

Soon thereafter, I get 2 calls from her on the house phone. Ignored, no voice mails. 2 calls on the cellphone. Ignored, 1 voice mail. So far, two emails.

(12/31/2007, 1:36PM Voice Mail from PEW)

LW, it’s PEW. Those boys are supposed to be coming home. Today. I don’t know why you haven’t left yet. It’s almost 2 o’clock. I don’t know why you haven’t left yet. They want to come home. They don’t even want to be with you anymore. They want to come home and be with me. You had better bring them home today!

Followed by email at 2:05PM:

Listen LM,

You’re wrong, it says this is my year and even if it wasn’t what kind of father would keep the children when they don’t want to be there for three weeks. They both just told me they want to COME HOME, but they said if they say that to you they’ll get in trouble. What the hell is that?? I’m not going to litigate because I ENJOY it, quite the contrary….I hate it which is why I didn’t dispute your latest shenanigans with “moving” back to the area….which is NOT what you did. You lied to JS. You don’t live up here. This situation isn’t working out and you know it….the kids are NOW suffering emotionally because they have a total psycho for a father and I am helpless to protect them. AND to top it all of, you’re now holding them hostage at your [home state] when they want to be with me. They hate it there when D9 and S8 aren’t there. Not to mention the fact that they each got like 3 gifts and DW’s kids “got a whole bunch”. You disgust me. I’m giving the 50/50 thing six months (the end of April) to work for the boys and then I’m filing for another hearing. So far I have [neighbor] telling me that the first day you had them, you left them at the bus alone and drove away……I have the teacher telling me that you refuse to give S9 a snack and a decent lunch….I have [another apparent spy at Cub Scouts] telling me that you single S9 out at cub scouts and do not allow him to participate in the snack there…..I have countless emails from the teachers about the children’s behavior when they are with you…..I have S9 telling me about your “table topics” game where you ask the question “if something happened to your mother and she couldn’t take care of you, who would you want to live with?” what kind of sick game is that??? I have your total inability to communicate on any level…..then there’s the fact that you don’t LIVE up here…you DON’T EVEN WORK UP HERE all the time…..YOU are the reason 50/50 isn’t going to work. And I will prepare the judge for that on January 24th when I go in to discuss this bullshit with her. You’re a sick person, even if I am wrong what kind of father would keep children when they clearly miss their mother. I’m going to litigate more because it’s the ONLY THING I CAN DO. I hate spending my time this way, but when I hear my kids voices and they’re wispering that they miss me and want to come home because their SICK father will get mad if he hears them…….it infuriates me. Some day JS is going to see what I see….and what the REST of the world sees in you…’re a sick sick person…..EVERYONE knows that you don’t care about what’s best for those boys. I hope your holiday is ruined just like you ruined mine and the kids. Get help.


My commentary: My, my, my – the rage is now out of control. Points worth addressing:

– My children just told me this morning, after being told we’re heading back to [work state] tomorrow that they didn’t want to go back and they were just having too much fun here. Of course, they also have to go back to school, which I’m sure is a bummer to all kids who’ve had off for 10-days. That’s not to say that they don’t miss their mom. A divorce arrangement sucks all the way around, but when you have a raging maniac for a mother, you will say what will appease her and they know if they tell her that they’re having a blast with me, she’ll get upset. That’s because she does get upset.

– I did “move back up there.” I have residences in both places. I work in mom’s home state. It was an absolute miracle that I obtained this position and took it for two reasons: 1) I needed a job. 2) TO BE WITH MY CHILDREN!!! During my weeks where I don’t have custody of the children, I can work from the home office and make a point of scheduling any travel I may have for those weeks where I don’t have custody. Further, if business circumstances require it, I’m even up at our apartment in the work state because I have to be. Reality, PEW… catch it!

– Christmas presents: DW’s children had more because their father brought over all of their stuff along with their grandmother. Of course, PEW has always been about everybody being “even” – even when circumstances just don’t call for it or allow it.

– On the first day I had the boys during the 50/50 arrangement, I took them to the bus stop which is at the corner of her street and her neighborhood spies. While awaiting the bus, I notice I’m parked on the wrong side of the street and right under the sign which reads – “No parking, this side of street.” As their buddies are assembling at the bus stop, they get antsy and want to get out. I let them, telling them, “I’m parked illegally, so I’m going to drive around the block and park on the proper side of the street.” They bolt to the corner and I start to roll around the block when… the bus arrives! While at the stop sign, everyone boards and I roll to work. I wasn’t at work 30-minutes when the raging phone voice mail comes. One of the neighborhood spies called her in work and reported that I just dumped them at the bus stop and abandoned them.

– When the boys aren’t packed a nice lunch, they are given money for a school lunch. I got one email from S9’s teacher saying that they get to lunch late and asked me if I could pack a morning snack for S9, which I have done every single day since. Boy, can PEW embellish and twist reality into abuse or what?

– One day, S9 was punished (loss of snack) for misbehavior in school. The day in question happened to be a Cub Scout meeting where all the kids get a snack at the end of the meeting. S9 was not allowed to have a snack because it was his punishment and I couldn’t allow Cub Scouts snack time to undermine my disciplinary decision. It was one instance in dozens of meetings since September. Of course, PEW doesn’t believe in discipline of any kind… so I could see where she might be upset.

– Table Topics is a fun game where we all ask questions of each other. Pretty much no topic is off-limits (within reason). They even sell “table topics cards” which was one of the gifts from Santa this year. The question she bastardizes is this: If you could live at anyone’s home except your parents for one year – whose home would you choose? S9 chose his best friend’s house. S6 chose his grandmother’s house (my mother). D9 and S8 chose their grandmother’s house. I’m not entirely sure how PEW twisted into what she described above. The question was “for a year” – I’m not sure any of us could die for only a year.

Welcome to my nightmare.

Followed by email at 2:07PM:


I like how you always portray yourself like such a “victim” too….I’m always threatening you right? or harassing you? grow up and be a man!!


Followed by voice mail at 2:26PM:


I just responded to your email and I also wanted to let you know that now thanks to you your father and stepmom won’t get to see the kids because I was supposed to take them down there on the 11th which is obviously not going to happen if they don’t get their Christmas presents until the 6th. So, I hope you’re happy. You ruined everything for everybody as usual because that’s what makes you happy. See you on the 24th!

Followed by email at 2:37PM:


By the way…..ALL of the stuff that was on their Christmas lists is here. The jerseys, the Webkins cow, the wrestlers, the lego people, Nintendo DS, …..because I can afford it??? no, I can’t afford it….but I know their only little once and they only believe in Santa for a few years and you RUINED it. Get to a psychiatrist LM, you need help badly… need medication or something.

My commentary: Hey, I was out of a job for 9-months and we have a lot of recovering to do from that. My kids had an excellent Christmas and got some of the things on their rather lengthy list, which, in it’s entirety, would have cost close to $2,000 each. I know she can’t afford it, but she’s never been one to let that stand in her way. I think it’s wonderful that she can (and always has) catered to the boys’ every whim. It’s why they appreciate things so little. It’s why they expect a toy every time the wind blows. It’s why everything that isn’t perfectly balanced for them “is just not fair!” It is just another issue which we have to manage as a result of PEW buying the children’s loyalty instead of teaching them how to grow up to be well-adjusted young boys who appreciate the things that they have, the people who love them, how to keep and maintain friendships, how to handle adverse situations appropriately, how to understand discipline and have self-discipline… and the list goes on. The very basic things that help to establish a well-rounded youth she is completely incapable of providing and/or teaching.

All I ever want is a peaceful, fun, joyous holiday with some semblance of normalcy. I seriously can’t remember one in the last handful of years dating back to when we were still married. She sets out to destroy them – it’s part of the illness. She makes everyone suffer for her issues. There is nothing anyone can do about it.

Despite all of this harassment – we are having a dynamite holiday season – it’s just that for us, we have to plan for such antics and it sucks.

Happy New Year.

Breaking News: PEW Re-Interpreting the Order Again

December 30, 2007

This has all just taken place in the last hour or so…

The main terms of the current custody order can be found in this post: Thanksgiving Comes Early …take a look at the Holiday & Special Occasions breakdown.

If you’ve been following along, you already have seen how she alleges “confusion” about the schedule and understands better than the written order what the court’s “intentions” are. No, she doesn’t. As it has always been, it’s her way or the highway.

I’ve continued with my no-contact as she’s tried to engage me with her alleged confusion over the schedule. How confusing can one-week-on/on-week-off actually be? For the BPD who wants attention from her ex-husband, it can be as confounding as a Rubik’s Cube. I had the week before Christmas, the week of Christmas to make up for last year’s mess, and then back to our regular schedule – the week after Christmas as it is my next scheduled week. She will get the children back on January 6th as per the schedule. Except that she doesn’t like that.

As I’ve not answered her half-dozen or so posts asking me ad nauseum when she is supposed to get the children next, because the schedule is clear – she has tried to engage S9 in finding out when they are coming back. This is a no-no, according to the court order, but she insists on pulling one or both boys into the fray when I don’t pay her attention. When S9 asks me after a routine phone call this week, I simply tell him, “Son, it’s not your job to worry about when the schedule is for your mother. She knows the schedule and it will be taken care of.” Evasive, but if I answer him and then he goes back to her, it will only escalate from there and I have a spy on my hands again.

In any event, at some point in the last few days I told S9 that he would be going back to PEW “next weekend” and during tonight’s phone call with her – he told her that. After he is done, he passes the phone to S6 for his chat. When he is done, S6 approaches me and says, “Mommy said she needs to speak to you.”

LW: Yes?
PEW: I don’t know what you’re doing, but the court order says I’m supposed to have them for New Year’s!
LW: PEW, read the order again, it’s clear and it’s not open for discussion. *CLICK*

Of course, it’s not going to end there. Three consecutive phone calls in the next 2-minutes results in two angry voice mails.

Voice Mail 1:

PEW: LW, the schedule that you drew up says that I have the kids on even New Years. So that means that this New Years is mine. It says mother has them on even years, father has them on odd years. So, that said, we still have a court date for January 24th and I’m expecting my kids. So I think that you better rethink whatever it is that you’re thinking and reread your proposal that you put together. The one that is now a court order, okay?

This is getting beyond ridiculous it really is… I can’t even believe… I’m expecting them home and you’re pulling this crap. I think you better rethink this… whatever it is you’re doing! *CLICK*

Minutes later…

Voice Mail 2:

PEW: Okay, your petition, section C under item 5, is New Years holiday to include December 31st through January 1st. Father shall have custody in odd year and mother shall have custody in even years. And, as defined… in that… ummm… the previous order… is… it defines even years are January 1st and then the… ummm… odd years are… you know… the even and odd is determined by the New Year. So it’s already been defined. I don’t know what it is you’re doing or why you’re doing it. But the kids need to be home on New Year’s Eve. So, I’ll see you then! Wherever! Ummm… whether it’s at [new exchange point] or you want to drop them off at my house that’s fine, but this is your petition that is now an order and we have a court date on January 24th. So, it’s not… this isn’t… this isn’t… ummm… me just being wrong again, this is what you wrote! *CLICK*

Our commentary: This madness never ends. This madness is what I’ve dealt with since 1994. This madness is what we’ve dealt with since 2004. This madness is what we’ll deal until who knows when. Some people crack “until the children are 18.” Reality is… it goes well beyond that. There are graduations, college, possible marriages, grandchildren… and as long as we are both alive – this madness will continue.

Not only does she read the order, she recites it into the voice mail and still doesn’t get it.


The holiday begins in 2007. Father gets odd years. Normal people see this for what it is. Clearly defined. She has decided to interpret this as “New Year’s Day is 2008 – therefore – the holiday is an even year.” Except, Psycho, that the holiday duration is defined and it starts in the odd year.

Did I mention who had December 31st through January 1st last year? No? She did. The holiday as defined began in 2006. Did I mention who had it the year prior to that? No? I did. The holidays as defined began in 2005. Father has odd years, mother has even years. Does anyone who is not apeshit psychotic not understand this schedule?