Archive for the ‘psycho-SIL’ Category

Heading Towards Custody Evaluation #1

October 9, 2008

Leading into the Fall of 2004, PEW’s original work plan was to find a full-time day job because the children would be in school (S1) and daycare/pre-K (S2). However, given the adversarial nature of the proceedings and specifically her first attorney who was looking for the maximum money under every rock, it would make sense that her plan would change.

You see, if both kids were in school, there would be almost no compelling reason aside from straight-up family court mother-bias to change the custody arrangement at the time, which was effectively 50/50 shared. However, her crazy-assed Summer schedule of 2nd-shift Fridays, double-shift Saturdays, and double-shift Sundays allowed her to be “off all during the week.” This would give those involved in forcing a decision on the custody matter to look favorably upon PEW. After all, she was going to “be available all week long” to tend to the children. This arrangement could be leveraged to leave me with weekends and her with primary custody. That would be her plan exactly. Success meant primary child-support money. Success meant there was going to be little chance that I would be able to afford the steep child-support figure and be able to keep the children settled in the marital home for at least half of the total custodial time.

Still, there were the occasional scheduling issues associated with this arrangement which led to disagreements about using her sister as a sitter.


If I am awarded primary custody of the kids, it will be then that re-evaluate going into work at 5pm on fridays. I think I have gone out of my way to accomodate your work schedule(for the past 6 years.) And in return, you “make up” a bunch of lies and put in for a PFA.

My sister is a loving responsible adult. She’s doing great and has been doing great for some time. She is a wonderful Aunt. If you are not coming home at 2:30, she will be taking care of the boys till you get home.



As indicated by what? Repeated failed attempts to stop drinking? An arrest for public drunkenness? Doing significant damage to wheels and suspension of her car with no recollection as to how it happened? Drunk-driving. Binge-drinking. Drug abuse. Stalking. AA, [the rehab center], etc.?

Don’t think for one second that I doubt your sister’s love for the children, but unfortunately, your faith (and mine) in her efforts to get herself together have failed repeatedly over the past half-dozen years. You may be willing to risk the boys being around for the next failure, but it is of great concern to me. Driving, for sure… and watching them alone. I’ve been there when your sister has been quite unnerved when watching the boys alone. Unfortunately, both of us have to be convinced that she’s suddenly “okay” and I’m not. I’m not willing to risk her losing control if/when the boys become unruly.

In the future, I will make arrangements for appropriate child-care on Fridays for both boys.



My sister was not arrested for public drunkeness. She was issued a citation. That was several months ago and she has not had a drink since. Are you coming home at 2:30? Is that what you are telling me? Like I said, if you are not PP will be watching them for the 2 hours.


I could not make arrangements to get out of work early that day and was stuck with PEW’s selection for babysitters.

Despite all of the hassles, I had previously explained that in the aftermath of winning the first major court hearing on the schooling issue followed by the PEW’s break-in to the marital home, followed by the restraining order being issued against the PEW, followed by PEW’s choice of her sister as her babysitter of choice given her instability and storied history… I truly believed that things were falling into place for me to get shared 50/50 custody at an absolute minimum. I started to feel that between the documented history and the choices she was making merely weeks before the custody evaluation would bode very well for me and the children.

Boy would I be wrong.

Attention-Seeking Behavior (Trouble is Brewing)

July 15, 2008

I’m sure any number of people, readers or otherwise, have experienced “attention-seeking behavior” from their psycho ex-wife or psycho ex-husband or psycho ex-partner… relative, friend… etc.

Last night came a prime example of just such behavior. It came in the form of a series of rapid-fire text messages, none of which I responded to, despite the overwhelming sense of curiosity.

PEW Text Message 8:48PM – I could surely use ur help now.

PEW Text Message 8:52PM – Im in trouble.

PEW Text Message 8:55PM – I need ur help.

PEW Text Message 8:58PM – U cant help me because of DW can u?

PEW Text Message 9:02PM – Its ok, i understand.

PEW Text Message 9:06PM – Im sure u will both have a good laugh about how fucked i am.

PEW Text Message 9:14PM – Enjoy.

Attention-seeking behavior. Now, I can barely begin to speculate as to what the nature of this problem is. All I know is that if it were as serious as she would like to make it sound – she would have communicated what it was. She didn’t. Therefore, this reeks of simply wanting my attention.

Does this sound a bit on the narcissistic side? Sure it does. It’s not. You’re seeking the help of the person who allegedly “destroyed” your life. The person who allegedly abused you, mentally, physically, emotionally in systematic fashion. The person who made your life hell.

All I can tell you is that if I were in serious trouble and was seeking the assistance of anyone, let alone life’s mortal enemy – I would say, Holy crap, I’m in trouble – [THIS] happened! Call me as soon as you can!

Each of those text messages can be translated to: Call me. I need your attention. My not telling you what the issue is while delivering the news in typically Drama-Queen fashion should ensure you contact me.

Sorry. Didn’t work.

Now, I have no idea what the possible problem is. I’ve speculated that she has been fired from her job… in which case, she’s very likely in a world of trouble (financially). This, despite being told by the boys that PP, the diagnosed bipolar alcoholic ex sister-in-law, has moved into the house with them… again.

As much as I would like to know right now what this alleged serious trouble is – I am not going to call, text, or email her. I will find out eventually. Whatever it is, I’m fairly certain that it will affect me & DW and even more likely – the children – in some way that will negatively impact our lives.

All I really care about at this very moment is – whatever the trouble may be – the children are with me until Sunday.

Stay tuned…

Food-Stamps for Cash Program

June 16, 2008

An early threatening email from Psycho-SIL.

When PP was unemployed and exploiting every system she could, she managed to convince the PEW to act as an ATM-machine, trading the food-stamps she was on in exchange for cash. I thought that it was going to be a one-time deal, but apparently it was going on for a while. She’d get $100 or so in food stamps and trade them to PEW in exchange for $80 in cash. Given her substance abuse issues, suicide issues, etc. – this was obviously a horrible, horrible idea.

One day while at work, I was called by PEW to stop and get “her” some cash on the way home. This was right around Thanksgiving 2002. Between craziness at work, getting stuck late, etc. – I had forgotten. Nevermind that PEW could have rolled out to a nearby ATM at any time on her own.

When I arrived without the cash, the gig was exposed and I expressed the finality of my horror at the implications for PP’s health and well-being. Of course, PEW had all kinds of excuses and justifications for “helping” her sister. PEW had a meltdown, but I didn’t really care, I’d lock-down the account if I had to. Any involvement in our lives from PP was way too much for me. Soon thereafter, I got this gem in my work email…


I just wanted to respond to your accusations about my character. Despite my troubles over the years, I have yet to defraud or steal from my family.

The reason I was willing to “lose” $80.00 on the food deal was because I know what a cheap person you are and that you would make PEW’s life hell if she helped me out for anything that wasn’t a landslide deal for you guys. As for why I didn’t get anything at Walmart that I needed, you were supposed to be bringing the money home with you, so I figured I would go to the [drugstore] later. I needed eyebrow wax, which by the way, Walmart doesn’t carry the brand I use (surgiwax, in the microwavable tub) only [drugstore] does. Please feel free to check that out. Despite what you think of me, I don’t like taking hand-outs. I thought the deal I had offered you guys was a win-win for both parties. If you must know, I threw in a pack of condoms for $1.87 while with PEW because it was just less embarrassing to buy them with other stuff (hers that is).

Listen, I don’t think that you “forgot” to get the money, especially after being reminded twice. I mean, if it was an auction you were supposed to stop and check out, you wouldn’t have “forgot,” that, would you? I think that you didn’t like having to get the money before the food. Too bad, that’s what being ahead $80.00 get me – immediate cash. Anyway, I had pitched the idea to PEW – she was the one that said you could bring the money home that day – which I thought was great. I didn’t demand it that day. Once I thought I was going to have it though, I was relieved.

Do I think my sister is stupid? no, I think you batter her emotionally until she even starts to think in your warped way. That is why again, I had to make sure it was a win/win for you or you would use her doing me a favor to extort something that you wanted from her.

I said we could go shopping whenever PEW wanted, but for pride’s sake, I was hoping it would be at a not very busy time. PEW said she had just gone shopping so I didn’t think she’d need to go immediately. The card is good for a month. The day before Thanksgiving is a very busy day traditionally. They are after all, food-stamps – which I thought might be embarrassing to use. However, I went to the store after returning your money, minus the $18.00 I had spent, and it was pretty painless – just like using an ATM. I will get the $18.00 back to you as soon as possible. Don’t start emailing me and harassing me for it.

It’s funny, when things are important to YOU, you never forget them. When they are important to other people, you are VERY forgetful. You are a very one-sided individual and although I might get over this someday because I love my sister and my nephews, if you ever accuse me of trying to use or abuse anyone I love, if you accuse me of being that low, you will have bitten off way more than even YOU can chew.

PEW, keep other people out of this. I don’t like people knowing my business and trust me, everybody would take my side, knowing how cheap LM is. I try to be there when you guys need me – maybe it’s not money-oriented but I don’t think it’s less valuable. I’m sorry that you two trust your children with me, even your dogs, but you think I’m capable of stealing from you.

Have a nice Thanksgiving. Thanks for starting my holiday season off on an even better note.


The sense of entitlement is apparently a genetic condition in this family.

I’m busy at work, have two children aged 4 and 1-1/2, a crisis condition in my marriage – and I forget to get the cash necessary to subsidize PP’s secret habits (whatever they were at the time) – and crazy as it is, they almost seem to make a rational argument about how wrong I am for the predicament PP is in.

Of course, I was having none of that. Sadly for you, the readers, this time-frame is one that precedes my obsessive saving of everything. I did fire off to her a reply that laid out all that I knew about her history, but don’t have the exact email:

– Embezzling funds from her well-paying, very important job.

– Stealing the identities of both her mother and her aunt (who have the same name) in order to secure loans and credit cards in their names.

– Failure to pay back PEW for things PEW bought for her without my knowledge.

– A failure to repay a few-thousand-dollars worth of loan that PEW gave her prior to our relationship.

…and a whole host of other things. She’s a liar, a thief, and a manipulator of the highest order. PP is a bully and really fancies herself as intimidating when she’s not and her threat that I will have bitten off “more than even I could chew” didn’t sit well with me. I let her know that she was a complete fraud and that the level of interjection into my life and that of my family was too much. Further, if it continued, I would make sure that she would not soon forget that she would have bitten off way more than she could chew… and that I would have no qualms about backing it up. I only wish I had a copy of it to share the details.

This email consists of nothing you haven’t already seen before in terms of projection, denial, lies, refusal to accept responsibility, and a lofty sense of entitlement.

Other weirdities:

– Why so much detail on her eyebrow wax and condoms? TMI!

– Of all of the households on her side of the family, ours (despite PEW) was the most financially successful. Nice house. Nice cars. Decent furniture. The term “cheap” epitomized the entirety of her family.

– One thing that was very clear is that I was never comfortable with her watching the children and probably wasn’t all that comfortable with her even watching the dogs!

– Yes, she thought her sister was/is stupid. It’s why, like the leech that she is, she attaches herself to those she can slowly suck the blood (money) from. PEW’s need for acceptance (from others) overrode her common sense often.

One final thought… if “everyone is going to side with you” – that’s when you let everyone know your business.

Childhood Obesity Crisis Looms – Part II

June 14, 2008

Continuing from Part I…

At the encouragement of PEW, the psycho-SIL (PP) chooses to offer her insights into the issue:

I think everyone is in agreement that our main concern is for S1’s health & well-being. I’m sure there are a combination of reasons for why the problem developed- perhaps living with two parents that fought constantly & bitterly for the first five years of his life drove him to find solace in food when he could. I can only assure LM that everyone on our side of the family has recognized that there is a problem and have not only encouraged him to make healthier food choices but [my brothers] and Dad continually try to get both boys interested in athletics-so far to no avail.

Playing the blame game is not going to help S1. The only reason that WE have been reluctant to push for more drastic measures up until this point is because of the many changes and upheavals that both boys have been through in the last year. Now that the appointment is scheduled, it is just as well. However, I don’t think making a “conference call” to a doctor is a substitute for the day to day love and attention that PEW takes in caring for the boys, always making decisions based on their best interests.

A case could be made that there are substantial weight issues on LM’s side of the family also-such as LM’s mother, aunt, and cousin – and that LM never tries to encourage the boys to try sports as a form of exercise – in fact, past experience has led us to believe that he is against the boys being involved in any kind of organized sports at all.

Finally, as much as I can appreciate LM’s concerns in this matter, I can assure him that any efforts to further point fingers will only bring back an equally vitriolic attack from not only family members but from impartial, outside parties that have been privy to this issue in the past-former school teachers, counselors and physicians.

Let’s just move forward and take care of S1 in the manner he deserves, reflecting the love and care we all feel for him.


I didn’t reply for obvious reasons. Aside from dripping with sarcasm, threats, and furthering the delusions of PEW, it’s devoid of anything meaningful. Quite the contrary actually. The other thing this family typically did was put the onus on the children to handle things that were the parents’ responsibility. PEW regularly said the same thing on this subject, among others:

“I can only assure LM that everyone on our side of the family has recognized that there is a problem and have not only encouraged him to make healthier food choices…”

S1 doesn’t do the food shopping. S1 doesn’t do the cooking (assuming you could call what PEW usually did “cooking”). At this point, S1 is only 6-years old and here they are saying that they are encouraging him to make healthier food choices. No, I am not kidding. Assuming he was even capable at 6-years old to make healthier food choices – the fact that her home was typically devoid of any healthier food choices would have made that difficult.

Considering everyone, PEW included, in that family is overweight (except for one brother) – it’s no wonder why no one can see a problem. Worse than that, citing 3 people in my family who make poor dietary decisions does nothing but support the serious concern I have for S1’s health.

They are like all clones of one another. It’s scary. I should count my blessings that I have shared custody, because it’s more custody than I’ve had since the initial split. Still, it’s simply not enough. The constant up-and-down cycle of S1’s weight introduces the potential for other health problems, too.

I can only hope that through our current exercise “program” (loosely termed) and a summer of part-timing with the swim team again, we can get it down and at least maintain it as previous short-term arrangements have shown possible.

Childhood Obesity Crisis Looms – Part I

June 13, 2008

The children’s diets have always been a bone of contention between us. A typical day feeding the kids would be: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, snack, snack, dinner, snack, snack, snack. Okay, that’s exaggerated slightly for effect. They would get a snack at least between every meal and it wasn’t a healthy snack. Cookies, ice cream, candy stuff, you name it. If it was crap, it was on the list.

S1 has always been big for his age, but if I desired to show you pictures, you would see that up until the point we split, he was proportionate for his height. Almost from the birth canal and continuing today, he was easily a head taller than anyone else in his age group.

When PEW and I split, his weight started to spiral out of control. I don’t have the medical records in front of me, but to give you an idea, it progressed something like this:

Early 2004, just before the split – approximately 60-pounds at 5-1/2 years old.

Early 2005, approximately 9-months after the split – he had ballooned up to 87-pounds. His dramatic weight increase, despite being discussed ad nauseum, was never addressed by the “primary caregiver.” It was at this time I took it upon myself to call the pediatrician and ask for help.

Beginning summer 2006, he was 110-pounds. We split the summer that year and when he went home, he was 108-pounds. By November, approximately 2-1/2 months later, he was 124-pounds.

Beginning summer 2007, he was 147-pounds. That summer, we had the boys full-time. At the end of the summer, due to our regular walks, exercising, and mostly due to the swim team efforts – he went home at 130-pounds – looked and, more importantly, FELT great.

By the time 50/50 rolled around in November of 2007 – it was all back.

It’s clear from the timeline that he either maintained or lost weight when he was with us for an appreciable amount of time. Then, when he went back to her, he put it on so fast it would make a normal parent’s head spin.

In any event, this was the first post-split exchange regarding my continued concern regarding S1’s weight and both boys’ eating habits. S2 has never had a weight issue because, unlike S1, S2 stops eating when he is full. Even if it’s something really good. When he’s had enough, he’s had enough.

(As you read this, keep in mind that by this time, I had relocated approximately 3-1/2 hours away… to be explained later.)


I spoke to [Pediatrician] this morning regarding S1’s weight and health. During our conversation, he also expressed concern over S1’s weight and the need to manage it appropriately. He told me that S1’s last recorded weight was 87-pounds.

He reiterated what I already knew and that is that childhood obesity has become an alarming problem in general and that the potential complications are especially dangerous for children. I asked about standard diet/menu plans and exercise plans, etc. – and he said that [both local hospitals] have excellent programs. However, before he would be accepted into any comprehensive program evaluation, he would need to get a full fasting blood work-up done, which can be done at the office. This would be to check for diabetes issues, glandular problems, etc. S1 would have to not have any food/milk at some point after dinner, no breakfast, and be taken to the Doctor’s office in the AM.

I explained to him our logistics and your work schedule and asked about a Saturday visit. He said that a Saturday morning visit can be arranged at the office in [Othertown] and that we should arrange to see this done sooner rather than later. He told me to let you know that you can call him anytime today to discuss this matter with him as well and to make arrangements to get the ball rolling on this. Please let me know your thoughts and by all means, give [Pediatrician] a call.


There it is. My first contact after taking a meaningful step after realizing that PEW wasn’t going to do anything on her own. Much like her own family, there was always some inane explanation for weight gain. The whole “big boned” and “it’s genetic” excuses, all the while never, ever taking a look at the horrifying eating habits that her entire family has and how they are being perpetuated on our children.

I was seriously concerned about S1 developing diabetes.


I made an appt for Sat at 10am. I love when you do stuff like this…… Does it make you feel better about yourself? I want you to keep in mind that I have a brother who is 6’3″ 300 pounds. Did it ever occur to you that S1 is just going to be a big person? Let’s not make him have self esteem issues already. He needs exersize. That didn’t effect you enough though to leave his bike up here though, did it? Too bad you won’t be here when he gets stuck with the needle…….


No acceptance of responsibility. No equal concern for S1’s health and well-being. The usual excuse-making and then guilt-tripping.


And without fail – you turn a genuine, long-term concern of mine (one which you and your family have repeatedly failed to address) and turn it into some issue over which to fight about or insult about.

How big [your brother] is matters not to me. S1’s diet is unhealthful. It has always been unhealthful and despite years worth of begging and pleading with you, nothing has changed. Too many snacks. Too much candy. Too much sugar. Too much junk. Perhaps if you hear it from his doctor, you will do something about it, and more importantly, you will get your family on board with it as well. S1 is overweight, even for his large frame for his age. He is not simply a “big person.” For his height and age, he should be in the 55-65 pound “range.” He is pushing 90-pounds if he is not there already. 90-pounds, PEW.

I am going to try to see to it something gets done before something horrible happens to force the issue. As it stands, he may be in for a life-long struggle. At best, he has some bad habits that need to be undone. If you will not do it there, I will make sure to do it here. You just need to tell me if you are going to take some action finally. If not at [Pediatrician’s], I will find someone down here.

Now, maybe you can stop using this issue as ANOTHER tool for harassment and insults and simply concentrate on S1’s health. Try it. See if we can talk about S1’s weight and health and you not find some way to use it as a weapon.


Clearly aggravated, I still try to lay out the concerns and really challenger her to focus on the matter-at-hand, like an idiot, again.


I am doing something about it, I made the appointment. If I don’t then who will? I’m trying to undo all the damage you did in the first 5 years of his life.

I deal with it everyday. I worry about getting him the proper amount of exersize and making sure he has healthy choices for snacks. This is as usual, another way for you do criticize me because it’s easy for you to do that. It’s MY fault he’s overweight right? Couldn’t be your heavy-handedness over the years over the whole food issue, could it? Sitting him at a dinner table at 3 years old for several hours at a time while I was at work. Couldn’t be that causing this terrible eating disorder? It’s all my family’s fault. None of the other grandchildren have a weight problem. Not even S2….interesting that he wasn’t subjected to your bullshit as a young child.

I have just come to grips with the fact that the next 14 + years are going to be you, blaming me, for everything that is wrong or goes wrong with our kids. (just like your family always blamed [brother’s ex-wife] for anything that went wrong with [nephew]) It’s easy to criticize me right….we’re not on the same team, never were…right? You were like this when we were married, why would that change now? Rather than worrying about S1…how bout you get yourself some therapy? That would help the boys more than any blood work up.


More of the same. Again, no focus on the children. Add to it, the projection and lies. I was not heavy-handed with the children regarding eating. Exactly ONE-TIME, I sat with S1 at the dinner table after he refused to eat his dinner. We just sat there and talked. The duration may have been 90-minutes and it was when she was home. When it became abundantly clear he was not going to eat, I excused him from the table and that was that. 1-time.

She almost never instilled exercise in herself, let alone anyone else. She rarely engaged in any physical activity involving the children aside from the occasional driving them to the park which was exactly 3-blocks away and perhaps a 15-minute walk. The one time S1 was signed up for a sporting event, she allowed him to quit because he threw a hissy fit one time (soccer), against my urging that he should stay and learn to support his team, even if he did refuse to play. The only thing she instilled in the children is junk-food and processed crap for the most part.


Great! You made an appointment you wouldn’t have made if not for my conference call with [Pediatrician] asking for help. You certainly weren’t going to do it despite my repeatedly trying to get you to realize that S1’s weight is going to turn into a lifelong problem if things don’t change. This should have been done a long time ago, but you just continue to turn a blind eye and pretend it is because he is a “large boy.” I’ve been bringing it up for years and you’ve done nothing. It took my conference call to [Pediatrician] to get you to pick up the phone and ask him about it. However, I wasn’t going to make an appointment on your behalf without consulting you first.

As for the fabrications that fill the rest of this email, I will not even begin to set you straight on the poor eating habits and diet that you and your family have instilled in our children. This was not the purpose of my contacting [Pediatrician], but since YOU brought up the issue, I will set you straight… it is entirely your fault.

I will not get into the specifics of the truth and the reality because you really don’t care. You never have. Hopefully, now that I have called [Pediatrician] direct and without blaming you or anyone else, asked for assistance/direction, we can get things started towards doing what is right by both boys. Continue to spew your venom and re-write history all you wish, I will not address them. As usual, I will focus on the boys health and you can continue to focus on being argumentative, insulting, and a flat-out liar.

It’s a shame that I figured you couldn’t continue with focusing on the boys health as I suggested. You just had to come back with more of the same tired behavior.


Straight-up truth. I stand by my position that her and her family are the reason things are the way they are. I’m sure my distance didn’t help matters, but it doesn’t change the reality that the only person(s) who have been concerned about health and fitness regarding the children are DW and I. Even now, when with her the bulk of their time is spent watching television, playing computer games, or playing videogames. They still eat like crap when with her. Now, not every meal with me is the picture of health and perfection. However, the large majority of them are balanced, involve fruits and/or vegetables, and are decent “home-cooked” meals – not something out of a bag or a box.


as you can see, I’ve forwarded this to every member of my family since you brought them into this. Anybody want to respond to LM. I’m tired of it frankly. Thanks.


So she did. There was one reply from a family member. I’ll give you 3 guesses as to who it was and the first 2 don’t count. To be continued…

FYI… Childhood Obesity is a crisis in this country. The Mayo Clinic (among many other places) has some outstanding information on this serious problem. Also, TIME magazine is coming out with a feature on childhood obesity in their forthcoming issue.

Aunt PP is Right – You Are a Psycho!

June 9, 2008

Yes. That’s what S1 said to his mother after witnessing yet another fight between the two of them. This nasty debate really gives more insight into the level of disgusting behavior on the part of her family. Worse – she defends it – always did – to the bitter end. PEW still does this today. If I heard her use the good things that they do as an excuse to disregard the horrible things that they do 1-time… I’ve heard it dozens of times and it never got any less confounding.

I’ll remind you that the spinster, “Aunt PP,” is very unlikely to ever get married. She can barely keep a meaningful relationship with herself, God forbid anyone lose their senses (like I did) and actually marry into this family. She likes to live her maternal instincts vicariously as a surrogate parent to our children and does so with PEW’s blessing because – she can’t seem to handle the kids alone. It’s a family effort, much to my ongoing dismay.

I was pretty angry during this one and really pull no punches when it comes to describing her family’s behavior and how I feel about it. I had originally thought about titling this one: When Psycho Sisters Attack 2!!! This one is from February 2004.

PEW: busy?
LM: hi, sup?
PEW: well ….me and my sister had an argument. i can’t call you because I don’t want S1 to hear
LM: Oh dear. Okay
PEW: first….
LM: I’ll watch. And reply as I can.
PEW: let me just say….i was in a bad mood to begin with because of work last night…. and I have PMS…..
LM: Did this happen in front of the kids?
PEW: i’ll get to that
LM: ok
PEW: we’re driving to LA fitness….and i have to call [neighbor] because we’re having lunch together today….. so …..I’m talking to [neighbor] and PP is in the background the whole time going….”GET OFF THE PHONE”…..”WE’RE going to be late””” then she’s like… shouldn’t talk to the phone while you’re driving…blah blah blah…..we’re going to be late….blah blah blah…’re going to mess up [Trainer’s] schedule….blah blah blah…. and I don’t say anything….. we get there……put the kids in the Kid Club…..and go work out with [Trainer]…we were 3 minutes late….. hold on a sec….
LM: k
PEW: ok so anyway…. we worked out with the waits and moved on to the cardio….. and then a page comes over the speaker…..”Will PEW, the mother of S1 please come to the kids club”….. so I stop the machine…..and start walking there…… and she stops hers too….and I’m like…it’s ok, don’t stop….i’ll be back i’m sure it’s fine…. but she stops too and practically races down to the Kid’s club before I even get there… I walk in and the girl says…there was a fight over a ball…. and there was ear pulling and biting…..
LM: I have a bad feeling about where this story is going.

Really? It’s not that hard to figure out. Any story that involves her and her psycho sister, you can bet your ass that it is going to end with at least psycho-SIL doing something completely inappropriate.

PEW: and I’m trying to figure out….who it was…S1 and S2…. S1 and some other kid….. I knew it involved S1 because when I walked in he covered his face…. so I’m asking question…..and PP is asking questions. so she says that it was S1 and another big kid……the kid had the ball….S1 tried to take it….the kid pulled his ear and S1 bit him…..
LM: k
PEW: so I said…..”S1, biting is unacceptable….never”….. I said “you won’t come back here”……. and my sister starts with…… at the lady “How could this happen”……
LM: I knew it.
PEW: “Look at his ear”…..
LM: That’s just where I thought this was going.
PEW: “we’re gonna have to take him to the Doctors”….. “where is the other kid’s Mom” and I’m like……”Did the bite break the skin” the lady says “no”….she said there was barely a mark. I tell the lady….”He’s fine”‘……. I re-iterate that biting is unacceptable…… the lady calls me over and says……that the other kid is a real brat and that S1 was very good….. so I go over to S1 and tell him that she said he was really good…. but biting is dangerous….germs get passed from person to person that way…. he says “I hate you Mommy”….. we leave…..but of course the whole entire time… sister is blah blah blah blah blah …fucking never shutting up….. we get to the car…..and I say……I’m going straight home….I don’t want to go to the library….I’m annoyed…. she’s like “At Me?” I say….”yes at you”….. I said first of all they said…..”PEW, mother of S1″….
LM: lol
PEW: is that you?….No, you’re not PEW, and you’re not his mother. so you should have kept your yap shut…. I could barely get the facts of what happened with all your yacking. she starts yelling…..and I say….stop yelling PP or I’ll pull this car over and you’re getting out and you can walk home…. i don’t need you going nuts in front of the kids…. she says…..I hope LM leave you….fat sal…..psycho. so we get to her house and she gets out
LM: Right there, I pull over and let her out.
PEW: and then S1 says to me….Aunt PP is right….you are a psycho. we were already in her developement

For a fleeting moment, I thought she really stood up for herself and did something demonstrative! “Already in her development” took the wind right out of that sail. It’s funny because she makes it sound SO dramatic. She lived in a freaking apartment complex, which means the “punishment” was she may have had to walk a few hundred yards to her building at most. OooooooooooooooooOooooo!!! That’ll teach her!

PEW: but I was like….well you’re still fat and you had 2 gastric bypasses
LM: oh geeze
PEW: I’ve had two kids….and quit smoking after 10 years. she got out. the end. so since the memberships are in her name….i guess i won’t be going back

This is all taking place with our two youngsters right there in the back seat at 6 and 3 years of age. Is it any wonder why they act up in their company?

LM: Then get your own membership. Insurance reimburses all or part of it.
PEW: oh
LM: Don’t stop now if you enjoy it. CALL the insurance company
PEW: i will
LM: And at the risk of pissing you off… is there any point in your lifetime where you are simply going to cut off your sister? Any point at all? Let me ask you…
PEW: probably not
LM: Exactly when was the last time she brought any joy or happiness to your life? Not since I’ve known you. Seriously. I can’t think of one time. Not one. If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times… (your husband aside)…
PEW: i know….but she’s my sister

With sisters like that…

LM: You NEED to eliminate unnecessary stress from your life. You NEED to. YOU NEED TO.
PEW: it’s a relationship i’ve always had…..and it’s not all bad
LM: Interaction with your sister… causes you NOTHING but grief since I’ve known you.
PEW: well she needs to learn boundaries
LM: And should be kept to a minimum. She can’t. She’s incapable. And your allowing her to continue to ruin parts of your life… is unacceptable. It’s “Big PP’ish”
PEW: lol
LM: I’m serious. You take more stressful jobs. You hang out too much with your sister.
PEW: i don’t know LM……sometimes, she’s kind of normal and she’s my big sister
LM: stress stress stress stress stress
PEW: and she acts like a big sister
LM: PEW. She acts like a fucking asshole.
PEW: other times…..she’s crazy PP. lol
LM: And she does so most of the time. Please, stop living in denial. She’s a selfish, manipulative, hurtful bitch. And more often than not, she brings you down. And you just keep on welcoming it.
PEW: i can’t wait to talk to my mom. i’m sure she’ll be against me….
LM: Which will do nothing more than add more stress, because she’ll defend PP… so why bother?
PEW: because I reprimanded S1 for biting
LM: Because you welcome stress. You think I’m screwing around. But I’m not.
PEW: no i don’t
LM: It’s tiresome to watch you repeat these things over and over and over and fucking over again. You get burned up. Then I get burned up.
PEW: i wish i could cry…..i need a good cry
LM: Great. And you’ll be calling your asshole sister in two days. Wonderful.

The reason is, as I’ve mentioned many other times, because she has me to beat on when it all gets too overwhelming. She rarely would take people to task for doing her wrong or taking advantage of her. She would save all of her rage up and then unleash it on me (or the kids).

PEW: i gotta go shower…..
LM: good luck.
PEW: i’m having lunch next door. bye. please don’t yell at S1 about the biting ok?
LM: Nope.
PEW: i already handled it
LM: You took care of it. We should have a sit-down… about his fresh mouth, though. I’m going to start ratcheting-up the sanctions… This bullshit has to stop.
PEW: we will
LM: And your sister and father are primary problems. I had to deal with “shitface” all night last night again, too. This is ridiculous
PEW: put soap in his mouth
LM: I’d like to put soap in your father’s mouth.

Did you get that? Her father is deliberately teaching our children foul language. So what does she suggest when they repeat it? Wash the childrens’ mouths out with soap. How screwed-up is that? Read on as she lays out her defense of this sick bastard…

PEW: i know…..but in defense of him……it is part of who he is….
LM: And I’m putting the ki-bash on “in the bedroom stories with EE” – Don’t. Please don’t.
PEW: and my aunts and uncles and grandfather were the same way…
LM: I don’t need him teaching those “parts of who he is” to our kids. It’s inexcusable.

Was she expecting me to say, “Ohhhhhhhhhhh, okay! I simply didn’t understand that this was all part of your long family history. How silly of me to take exception of that! My mistake.” Her explanation really does detail the depth of depravity of the parents of the children that preceded her and this is what I have had to deal with almost from the time S1 popped from the birth canal.

PEW: and we knew better than to repeat it. ok, don’t blow it out of proportion
LM: Blow it out of proportion?
PEW: he doesn’t always do it
LM: It’s been going on for the better part of 6 years now.
PEW: he slips up occasionally. he has really made an effort
LM: whatever
PEW: don’t get me started…..all of your brothers have used the F word in front of the kids
LM: It’s nice to know that the worst part of our kids language has been taught them by their grandfather.
PEW: that’s worse than shitface
LM: Please.
PEW: LM…..
LM: They have not. They don’t teach them fresh mouth songs and fresh mouth stories. It’s a conscious effort on your father’s part.

The regular readers have seen this before. When confronted with the horrifying behavior of her family, especially towards the children, tell me my family does the same or similar stuff – even though the reality is that they never did any such thing! She just makes it up to make herself feel better so she can keep this weird ideal about her own parents safe in her childlike mind. Even if my family was doing something even remotely close – it just doesn’t matter! It’s sheer insanity.

What’s completely confounding is her claim that they “knew better than to repeat” the abusive behavior. Even my incessant complaining about the name-calling, foul language teaching, tickling the kids to the point of throwing-up (and similar) didn’t seem to indicate to her that they most certainly did not learn to avoid perpetuating such behaviors.

PEW: what fresh mouth songs. what fresh mouth stories
LM: Do I need to go back to “cuckoo I’m a shitbrid?”
PEW: that was 3 years ago
LM: They got “shitface” from one of his great stories from what they said.
PEW: and he stopped that. don’t start attacking my Dad ok….. deal with it
LM: Well, forgive me for being pissed that we now have to deprogram shitface.
PEW: ok
LM: And Lord knows what they’ll remember from today’s incident with your sister. My son is calling his mom a psycho. Great.
PEW: jthis is life LM…..people argue. people curse. you need to move on
LM: Overhearing slip ups in adult conversation is one thing.
PEW: and a word of advice for you……get off my dad
LM: Tell children stories and songs with curse words in them is different.
PEW: they love him….they love speinding time with him. name a song….
LM: I did already
PEW: you don’t know what you’re talking about. what sone?? what SONG?
LM: Wasn’t Cuckoo I’m A Shitbird a classic hit from EE?
PEW: no it wasn’t
LM: Oh.
PEW: that’s not a song
LM: my mistake. Sorry.
PEW: you don’t even know what you’re talking about
LM: I thought it was a song.
PEW: you just want to bitch about my dad
LM: Cuz they sing it. No I don’t.
PEW: no it’s not a song. no they don’t. they haven’t said that
LM: If they weren’t saying SHITFACE, I’d have nothing to say about it.
PEW: S2 has not said Cuckoo Shitbird. you’re unbelievable
LM: No I’m not.
PEW: yeah…you are
LM: No, I’m not.

Again with the denial. She’s actually arguing that “it’s not a song.” I guess the “lyrics” that Grandpop was teaching the kids didn’t show up on a Google search, therefore it’s actually a song. I guess videotaping them dancing like they were having epileptic seizures while singing, “Cuckoo, I’m a shitbird” and calling each other “shithead” wouldn’t have convinced her, either. Of course, I’m also supposed to punish the children that they are doing this while excusing her father’s behavior due to the abuse he suffered as a child and his father before him suffered as a child. Brilliant logic.

She wonders why her son is calling her a Psycho? Even with everything that has happened, she still can’t see it’s because of her family calling the children psycho, calling each other psycho, and a whole host of other horrible names on a regular basis.

PEW: i don’t need this shit from you
LM: I don’t appreciate having to deal with non-accidental expletives.
PEW: i really really don’t
LM: No kidding.
PEW: my dad….spends lots of time with the kids……telling appropriate stories… with them…crabbing with them….
LM: Why do you always do this?
PEW: reading books…..playing…tickling…. because you’re so negative
LM: I’m not saying that your dad doesn’t do those things… Doesn’t love the kids… Kids don’t love him.
PEW: you always focus on the teeny tiny negative
LM: I wish the bullshit language would stop.
PEW: that’s why you and I are always hanging by a thread
LM: You excuse bad things like that because he’s “great.”
PEW: yeah, he is……he is Great…….and I don’t want to hear about it anymore today
LM: You got it.
PEW: you don’t have to see my dad
LM: I know he’s “great” with the kids. I love it. I’m allowed to be mad about shitface. Sorry if that bothers you.
PEW: the guy sets up fishing rods so the kids can cast off the back deck in October……
LM: Why are you telling me this?
PEW: sits in the truck with them pretending to drive….
PEW: i don’t think so
LM: He still taught them shitface and that upset me.

Frankly, I wish that they would all just vanish off of the face of the earth.

Wishing for a Murder-Suicide?

June 4, 2008

I’m jumping ahead a little bit, to just after the divorce was filed (April 2004), to feature another mindless email rant offered up by “Aunt PP” – my nutcase ex sister-in-law. There aren’t many of them. That’s because, even when things weren’t a complete disaster, I didn’t have very much cause to talk to her anyway. Her life was just too full of chaos for me to allow her any closer than arm’s length, and even that was often too close for comfort.

Now, the strangest thing about this email is that it’s totally unsolicited. What I mean by that is – I didn’t then and I don’t now have any clue what precipitated it. Therefore, my only conclusion is that it was the by-product of some figment of PEW’s imagination. While what she writes, specifically the part about the murder-suicide thing, makes me laugh inappropriately, I never said that, didn’t intimate that, and it seriously didn’t ever cross my mind.

Hi LM,

It’s good to know that while I pray every night that PEW, you and the boys come through the divorce happy, healthy and better off for it…. that you are praying for a murder/suicide between me and my sister…. which would never happen trust me….. I would never hurt anyone I love… I wish I could say the same for you….. Take this to any judge….. YOU need help…… My wishes and the wishes of my family are that everyone is okay afterward…. you are more concerned with getting YOUR share of EVERYTHING….. and if you have to use your sons’ welfare to get it, you will…….

Look into your own heart LM and see what truth there really is….. if you can see past your twisted childhood with your father and mother’s behavior……. early on and towards the end….. I’ve heard it all and it isn’t pretty…..

Don’t joke about my family’s mental health or even try to use it. As far as I know, none of us have ever wanted out of a relationship because a child borne to us wasn’t the “right” sex (CAM.)……

You have enough family problems….luckily your mother was so forthcoming with so many horror stories from your youth……You should just be concentrating on doing the RIGHT thing, once and for all for all concerned…..after all, you’ve got you motor cycle, don’t you?

The whole diatribe is beyond bizarre. It’s a mish-mash of random thoughts that have no relevance on the matter at hand. It’s as if she needed to flex her big-sisterly muscles and put me “on notice” that she is going to stick up for her. Great. With allies like that…

She has absolutely no clue about my childhood. Why? Because she cites my mother as the source! While both of my parents had occasion to cross the line when it came to discipline, they raised 4 pretty successful children during the process. Mom and Dad went through a contentious divorce when we were in our teens and trust me when I tell you that dear mom has a tendency to grossly embellish and over-dramatize her “horror stories.” Certainly, both of my parents were both quite loving, showed their affection regularly, and I can assure you that my mother isn’t going to be telling any of those stories as they related to my father.

As for CAM (one of my brothers), after his first-born daughter was brought home, he had some trouble adjusting to the newborn baby. He questioned his ability to handle everything. His wife, my SIL, called me one morning to come over and assist. I blew off work that day and rushed over to have a talk with him. At no time was ending any relationship even remotely an issue. Neither CAM nor wife seemed prepared for what was going to happen when they brought the child home… and they were both a nervous wreck – especially him. It was no big deal. Now with a pair of daughters, their relationship seems to be going along quite well and the kids are great!

As for the balance, we can start with the delusions:

– Neither her nor her family wished any such thing. Phone threats, email threats, direct threats, and all of the rest of the weird stuff they would come to do demonstrated that they wanted nothing more than for me to disappear off the face of the earth.

– Despite the claims that she would never hurt people she loved, there are several identity thefts of family members, knock-down drag-outs with PEW, assaults on our children, among other situations which fly in the face of her claim.

– I’d be specific about a couple of the other rants except that they make such little sense that it’s not worth wasting any more of my time.

One thing she was correct about though… her family members’ mental defects and documented behaviors didn’t seem to be relevant regarding the children. Hell, even PEW’s actions and behaviors apparently didn’t (and still don’t) matter, but she has been exposed for the hostile, litigious high-conflict combatant that I’ve always told the court she would be. Thank goodness (for now) Judge Contempt’s rulings have begun to reflect that recognition. Here’s hoping that if they are needed – she continues to rule accordingly.

2-for-1: The Wrecked Car & The Bachelor Party Plans

May 20, 2008

Today’s post is a two-for-one since both topics were discussed during the same IMversation.

Part I: The Wrecked Car – is short, but interesting nonetheless. PP, the ex sister in-law, I was soon to discover – had periods of black-outs during her alcohol and pill abusing periods.

During a visit to her parents in mid-July of 2003, we were leaving the cookout and walking past PP’s car (actually a loaner from EE, the ex father in-law) I noticed that the left side suffered damage and both the front and rear rims were wrecked. I’m not sure how the tires weren’t flat. I’ve damaged car rims hitting lifted & exposed railroad tracks at 40 miles per hour and those rims weren’t nearly as bad as her rims. She clearly had hit something with tremendous force.

I looked up at her not realizing that EE was outside as well and I exclaimed, Holy crap! What the hell did you hit?!?! She gave me the exclamatory “SHUT UP” look. Surprisingly, at the time, she told me she didn’t know. I questioned how it was possible that she didn’t know given the level of damage, but quickly let the conversation die. Let me tell you, when I hit those railroad tracks, it sounded like a bomb went off inside my car. While the rims were damaged, they weren’t nearly as bent as hers were.

The next day, I asked PEW about it…

LM: So do you believe your sister “doesn’t remember” or “doesn’t want to tell.”
PEW: i’m not sure
LM: Has she ever told you ANY story before where “she didn’t remember” what she did? “I went home with a guy last night, but I don’t remember…” “I don’t remember how I got home, but I know I didn’t drive…” “I don’t remember the last half of [Nephew’s] Party” I think she knows… but doesn’t want to tell.
PEW: she tells me stuff like that all the time
LM: Okay.
PEW: she’s a grown woman……what can I do? I can’t forcer her to tell me
LM: Nothing. I was just idly speculating.
PEW: i already told her I don’t believe her

This was all news to me, even if it wasn’t all that shocking. What was shocking was the realization that leaving Aunt PP alone with the children was always a bone of contention between us and even at this point in time, PEW was STILL lobbying that it was safe to leave one or both of them alone with her.

Somehow, PP managed to keep the car damage from dear drunk daddy and get it fixed. It wouldn’t surprise me to hear that somehow I was the one who paid for the fix given the vanishing finances from my own household.

Part II: The Bachelor Part – is wild, but not for the reasons you might suspect.

My youngest brother was getting married and the bachelor party was going to be a weekend event several hours away from home. My oldest brother and I were going to go together. We could stay at our mother’s home, which was in close proximity to where the festivities were to be taking place.

I was almost always a designated driver at such events and chauffeur to many, if not all. It kept me sober, out of trouble… and kept more than my share of friends and family out of trouble, too. I did this for both of PEW’s brothers, more than one friend, and that was my main purpose for this event, too. On top of that, it has proven to be way more fun watching others make retards of themselves, vomit, get shot down testing their “mojo” on unsuspecting chicks at bars, or turn into complete boneheads at a strip club… not that any of those things took place during this particular event. *ahem*

I “reserved” this particular weekend more than 6-weeks in advance and during those 6-weeks I was sure to remind PEW about that particular weekend. Needless to say, at the 11th-hour, PEW suddenly had some plans which she expected me to alter mine to accommodate. I didn’t.

PEW: i’ll be leaving around 12:30. so what’s the latest you think you’ll be
LM: 12:30. Sunday? PEW… I don’t know. I’m sure traffic will be murder.
PEW: ok
LM: I don’t know the extent, in terms of duration, of the party.
PEW: whatever
LM: Additionally, I can’t get a straight answer out of CAM because he ain’t talked to [wife] yet. In terms of us going together, separate, or what. I may get bored and leave at a reasonable hour (during the evening). I simply don’t have a clue.
PEW: well I don’t understand why you can’t say to me… the latest i’ll be home…..4pm… 5pm. whatever
LM: Because what happens if I’m not?

Smart guy I am! I actually know the answer to this question. I suppose I wanted to see if she would be honest about what the answer was.

PEW: but people with children just don’t go away for weekends when they have a spouse who also has commitments and stuff and say….. sorry I can’t help you…..on your own
LM: Whoa. This may be the first time I’ve done anything not involving my family that lasts two days. I’m not sure when your plans were made… but I reserved this weekend more than a month ago.
PEW: maybe we should talk via the phone….because I don’t want this misconstrued……
LM: ok
PEW: what’s that supposed to mean… haven’t done anything with your family that involves a whole weekend? have I? i’m confused
LM: No no… you’re missing my point. If you make plans to do something… say… a girl’s weekend getaway… If plans come up for me… I say, “sorry, can’t make it.” I am really sorry I can’t commit to a time home. But I don’t know who, if anybody, I will be driving. When the party ends. When I will wake up from sleep. And I am absolutely NOT going to pick a time, not knowing, because if I miss it, then there will be a problem. The last thing I want to do is cause a problem.
PEW: well I’m not putting pressure on you to be home at a certain time….but I have to get a sitter. and there’s a difference between needing one for an hour. or 6 hours. if it’s six hours i won’t go to the shower
LM: I know that.
PEW: if it’s an hour or two i’ll go
LM: If it was someone else… not my brother… I would say… “I’ll probably stay for a while and come home.” Or if it was local. But assmeg didn’t want it local, so that makes it inherently more difficult.
PEW: well it’s not difficult……you go Friday….come home Sunday….by 2 or 3 and you tell your brothers that’s your plan. you guys always make everything so difficult…..(you and your brothers)
LM: I’m just waiting for information. And I’m sorry that it doesn’t help with the arrangements. Really. But it’s my youngest brother. Last to get married. I apologize that it’s a problem, but I simply don’t know when I’ll be home.
PEW: what does that have to do with anything……the world didn’t stop revolving when my brothers got married
LM: There world isn’t now, either. Look, I reserved this weekend a long time ago. If it impinges on your plans, I’m sorry. When I find out more concrete information, assuming I even do, I will pass it along.
PEW: well you can’t freakin reserve a whole weekend when you have kids
LM: Yes, I can.
PEW: you have to have some game plan
LM: Do you reserve a whole weekend when you go away with the girls?
LM: Okay. You don’t go away on Friday night and come home on Sunday?
PEW: you’re un….fucking believeable. unbelieveable

PEW’s wires always got crossed when faced with the reality of her inherent hypocrisy. She was always a “do as I say not as I do” person. This is just another example. I had the courtesy to give her more than a month’s advanced notice, which is not a courtesy I ever got when the roles were reversed. When confronted with this reality, it’s “off to the races” with her mouth.

LM: Okay, here…
PEW: once
LM: I’ll be home at 9PM on Sunday.
PEW: I went away once and I was home pretty early. and I didn’t leave until late Friday
LM: Since when is frequency or when you left the issue? I picked a time. 9PM. I’m very confident I’ll be home by 9PM on Sunday.
PEW: asshole
LM: Is that necessary?

She asked me for a time. At least I had the good sense to pick a time where I was about as close to 100% certain I would return. However, we all know that any chosen time that wouldn’t allow her to go to this shower at the last minute would be the wrong answer.

PEW: i wonder if your other brothers are responding this way to their wives with children
LM: What way am I responding?
PEW: you think VAM said to [his wife]…..I’ll be home when I’m home. no i don’t think so
LM: Did I just not pick a time?
PEW: an CAM’s wife is going to be 10 minutes away down there
LM: I don’t care what she is doing.
PEW: yeah and now i’ll have to cancel my plans
LM: I don’t care what [VAM’s wife] thinks or what VAM does with her.
PEW: because of the time you picked. i know
LM: You knew at least 6 weeks ago… that I was going to be burning this whole weekend. 6 weeks, at least.
PEW: because i’m the only one who deserves to be treated like an asshole. who cares
LM: How am I treating you like an asshole?
PEW: i was invited to something and i’d like to go and I can’t go if your not going to be home until 9 but you don’t care right
LM: I’m sorry. I made plans.
PEW: well i’ll remember this
LM: Every RARE once in a while, we’ll have separate plans that don’t jive. This could be the first time EVER.
LM: Forget it.
PEW: no you forget it
LM: Go on, freak out. Call me names more. That’s adult.
PEW: i’m gonna call [them] and find out when their husbands said they are coming home
LM: Go for it.
PEW: and see if they got treated like this
LM: Treated like what? It’s always about you. How you’re “treated.” You press me for a time. I give you one. And I’m “treating” you some way. Your histrionics are ridiculous. I’m sorry, but like me, you can’t always attend everything you want to attend.
PEW: no…’re ridiculous LM. no shit
LM: If you make plans for a weekend, I don’t go places.
PEW: I don’t attend alot of shit. ok. whatever
LM: Now, I’d appreciate it if you would stop breaking my ass on this issue because it conflicts with your plans.
PEW: my friend’s bachelorette weekend is 8/16…..i’m going
LM: Which came AFTER this was already set.
PEW: all weekend. mark it on your calendar. i’ll cancel the shower. i wasn’t going to go to the bachelorette thing. but she’s my last single friend
LM: Ah yes… the childish “tit for tat” reply.
PEW: we’ve been friends for over 20 years. i’m going. 8/16
LM: What makes you think I would stop you?
PEW: whole weekend
LM: Super.
PEW: make a note of it
LM: Done. You’ve gone away for whole weekends (more than once, by the way) before.
PEW: well if you had been a little moree helpful with the shower
LM: Am I supposed to be upset about this? I have nothing planned that weekend. Go have a great time.
PEW: i would not have gone to the bachelorette. i certainly will. i always do
LM: Super. No problem.

It’s like dealing with another child.

We went, had a great time. Stayed out of and kept everyone else out of trouble. Everyone got home safely. That’s how it’s supposed to be.

Slapping A Child Shows Maternal Instinct

April 1, 2008

WE INTERRUPT THIS POST FOR AN ANNOUNCEMENT: We discussed going all “April Fool’s Day” on everyone and making a post about my suddenly walking out on DW, reconciling with PEW, and moving in with PEW and the kids. For a fraction of a second we thought it was funny and then quickly concluded it was not, really. We choose instead to post this announcement that we are a slight bit twisted regarding our sense of humor – but perhaps a mere mention in passing would make someone smile before embarking upon another wreck of a story. END OF ANNOUNCEMENT.

…it was always an issue. If you’ve been reading a while now, I won’t rehash the reasons. If you haven’t been reading a while, click on the labels to the left and then on main characters. You’ll get to where you need to be.

What started off innocently enough in this case would turn into a fight about PP babysitting the children.

LM: uu
LM: What message?
PEW: for God’s sake. did you feed the mutts
LM: No.
PEW: ok. where’s the Vacuum
LM: Upstairs closet.
PEW: for God’s sakes
LM: lol
PEW: what the f—
PEW: lol
LM: What is going on here?!?!?
PEW: nothin
LM: If you sent me an e-card again, I blocked all mail from that address.
PEW: really from what address
LM: When I went to the site…
PEW: i didn’t
LM: …and plugged in the card. Oh, okay.
PEW: did you get the first card
LM: No. Busy. Talk to you about it later.
LM: Oh, I got an e-card notification.
PEW: it’s probably from your girlfriend
LM: When I went to this site… it couldn’t show me the card… for “spamming” reasons, but then pitched the site for me. So, it turned out it was an ad. I thought it was from you.
PEW: no
LM: Then I did the right thing.
PEW: …..3002336858686545
LM: lol
PEW: that was S2, character he is. do you have a second


Uh-oh. It’s the “do you have a second” tell. Now I’m in for it…

LM: y/ What?
PEW: i asked my mom about watching the kids either next Fri or Sat. then PP said….she’ll take S1 overnight and my mom would take S2…. so what do you want to do
LM: No.
PEW: shit
LM: Shit nothing, PEW.
LM: Why is it we agree about babysitting where your sister is concerned… and then violate it?
PEW: well…why was it ok when i went to the ER
LM: Because the option was not taking our kid to the hospital.


Even that isn’t the best situation, but it was an emergency situation.

PEW: what do you think she’s going to do? ok…well then call MCB and tell him we can’t go out. my mom said she can’t handle both of them
LM: Okay.
PEW: so then we do nothing for Valentine
LM: No… I’ll see if CAM can watch S1 on Fri or Sat.
PEW: no because i’m not telling PP that we think she’s kuckoo
LM: Okay… last time… and she is not babysitting anymore. She is not better. We don’t know when she is drinking and when she is not. I’m not thrilled with the slap situation that occurred. And so on.
PEW: what do you mean….last time?
LM: If S1 gets ornery, she can’t handle it. Obviously, you told her it was okay to babysit, am I wrong?


This is how this argument would always go. PP would either want to spend some time with one or both of the boys or she would offer to babysit in a pinch. That, in and of itself, isn’t a big deal. It’s telling her yes in the aftermath of our agreement not to allow it because of the circumstances (drug, alcohol abuse… untreated bipolar disorder, suicide attempts – all fairly decent reasons in my mind). She would tell PP yes and then ask me if I would be agreeable to allowing it. Then I was the bastard when I would invariably say NO.

PEW: she offered LM….i was a little put on the spot
LM: “No” isn’t that difficult.
PEW: my mom said she didn’t feel comfortable with both of them….then PP offered to take S1. well i’ll just tell her we’re not going. i’m not going to argue this
LM: There is no arguing.
PEW: i do not think she is a threat to S1 in any way. she’s fine with him one on one….
PEW: she gets crazy when he’s thumping S2 around…
LM: Was she fine the night she whacked him – with your Mom there?
PEW: it’s only natural….i freak when he does it
LM: Look… I don’t want your sister babysitting until I am comfortable that she is following what she needs to do to get better.
PEW: well it only shows that she has some maternal instinct


I didn’t make that up. Slapping a 3-year old so hard you leave a handprint on his FACE shows “maternal instinct.” Yes, this is the same woman who thinks I abuse my children because they can’t watch 18-hours of TV a day. She’s the one who believes beating a child upside the head and face is what every mother would do when they don’t know how to stop a child from doing something.

At this moment, not only do I have to live with PEW being the guide, the parent, the person who is charged with helping me bring up healthy, stable children, but PP is there, sometimes staying for several days at a time to “help” in that endeavor.

Lucky me.

LM: Right now, I am not comfortable that is happening. Stop excuse-making. Now, if you don’t want to “make her feel bad” – then I say, let her babysit, NOT overnight, and this is the last time.
PEW: i’m not…..S1 could try the patient’s of a frigging saint. patience i meant
LM: PEW… is your sister sick? Yes.
PEW: aren’
LM: PEW… is your sister not doing everything she can to get her shit straight? Yes.
PEW: aren’t we all
LM: I don’t care about the rest. I’m sorry if you don’t like that. I’m just telling you how I feel.
PEW: she’s doing pretty well
PEW: she’s looking for a job…she hasn’t been drinking
LM: I am not comfortable with the risk. Okay?
PEW: well then we won’t go out….. i’m used to not having a babysitter and going out…that’s why I got a job…..
LM: Your choice, not mine. So please, when it comes up later, remember that you made the decision not to go out, and not blame me down the road.
PEW: well, most of my family is already alienated from us…..


You know, it’s moment like these when I think of all of the philosophical questions or even Table Topics and there is a question like, If you could go back in time and do something differently, what would you do?

When I read something like the above, I increasingly find myself thinking, I would go back and scream in my own face for allowing these type of arguments go on and on and on, mindlessly, never achieving anything.

LM: PEW. Stop. Do not try to justify this situation with that. Do not try to justify this situation with anything.
PEW: I left S2 with your mom and I don’t think the risks involved there were any less
LM: I don’t trust your sister in her current situation.
PEW: you’re mom can’t even ambulate the stairs


Yes, my mother who had knee trouble from a degenerative condition is the same as a drug & alcohol abusing, untreated diagnosed bipolar disordered sister. Logical in the warped mind of a BPD.

LM: Are you serious?
PEW: yes
LM: Okay. Then I can see this is going to be a tit-for-tat situation. I’ll tell my Mom she is no longer on the babysitting list. Okay?
PEW: i don’t think that’s necessary. i think we just don’t ask. we don’t have to hurt her feelings
LM: It’s not, because when she watches S2, she can stay either upstairs or downstairs. She isn’t mentally unbalanced, drinking excessively, and stalking people, okay? Don’t compare the two.
PEW: she’s about the same as my sister
LM: No, she isn’t.
PEW: ok


Oy-vey! No, I don’t remember if we went out. Probably not. She just can’t keep her thoughts, wishes, and stories straight. While at the same time arguing that she is used to not having a babysitter and not going out – she would “equalize” things by arguing that my mother shouldn’t babysit. (By the way, she could absolutely “ambulate the stairs.”) She would tune-out the reality and depth of her sister’s problems by claiming “aren’t we all [sick]?” No, just some of us, PEW. Just some of us.

When Psycho Sisters Attack! (8/1/2001)

December 31, 2007

PEW and PP (Psycho Ex Wife and Psycho Ex Sil) have a black and white relationship – always have. If given the choice between these two going at it or juggling 3 big bottles of nitroglycerin – I’d opt for taking my chances on the juggling.

Most of these battles pre-date my saving evidence efforts which go back to about 2000 and the example I provide for your enjoyment today is actually the conclusion of a war between the two which began over the phone. I recall one of the voice mails PP left for PEW – and in an earlier post referenced a voice that only Satan could love. It really sounded like the devil managed to get hold of my unlisted phone number. We’re talking mutual exchanges of “I WILL COME DOWN THERE AND FUCK YOU UP” and other endearing, loving familial sentiments.

Now, I’m not sure what the hell was the actual issue. I believe it had something to do with PP arranging a “family girls weekend down the seashore” while we were preparing to move this month in 2001 and PEW decided it was a deliberate attempt to scuttle PEW’s plans to be rid of her sons for a day. PEW, of course, felt slighted, and this fight descended into a battle over who could trump the other over who had the most miserable existence in this pack of fucked-up family members. You think I’m joking? Oh, no! After the phone slugfest concluded, it “spilled out into the email” system. I will paste the email exchange exactly as written (except the name changes). Read on:

PEW (to PP): Ok, first of all, here is what was said. Mommy called me and said, “I’m sorry, I thought you said you wanted PP to take S9 for you next week.” And I said, “No mom, I said ‘PP, when you are feeling better, you HAVE to take S9 for a day… to the playground or to lunch or something’ ….I said I’ll pay, I don’t care, I’d just like to have a day without him up my ass” Do you remember us having that conversation PP? I didn’t say anything about the day being before the move or after the move or anything specific. That’s what I said to Mommy. Now, let me say this, I don’t give a shit if you help me with the move. I can do it without your help. But I will say, I was counting on mommy maybe taking S9 on the weekend for a few hours, but you took care of that didn’t you? You’ve arranged this whole girls weekend down the shore and you’ve known I was moving for months! But that’s ok because Mommy deserves at least one decent trip down the shore. I hope it is nice for her. She deserves it after all the bullshit.

Now for the second part, I think you are a wonderful Aunt. I happen to know that you love S9 very much. You HAVE gotten much better over the past three years. I am asking you to THINK before you open your big yapper! From now on I am going to point shit out to you EVERY TIME you say it. I let far to many things come out of your mouth without addressing them. I too will watch what I say to you. If I say something that hurts you….TELL ME right away.

As for the depression, I have been chronically depressed too for at least the past 5-years. I have had lots of problems over the past 15-years. Did you know that? You obviously have NO idea or maybe you don’t care. I’ve BEEN in therapy too. Off and on for the past 9 years. Did you know that? I’m sorry if my progress doesn’t meet your standards. Your problems are always WORSE than mine, because I have a husband, right? I lived in the same house as you did growing up. We all had it the same. Dont tell me that you had it worse. The only reason you had it worse is because you had such a big mouth. We are ALL fucked up….ALL OF US. None worse than the other….got it? You need to start making better decisions…THAT is your problem. STop blaming our childhood. You are an adult now…you know the difference between right and wrong. IT blows my mind that you are so insensed at people bring up YOUR past, when all you do is talk about the OLD days with Daddy. You are constantly making references to the past. That cannot be good for Mommy and Daddy, can it?

As far as the suicide thing, I’ve considered killing myself too….many, many, many times. How does that make you feel? ARe you threatening me when you bring it up in this email? Like I better be nice to you or you’ll kill yourself?

I thought surgery was a good idea too, but now the whole breast thing is just fucked up. I thought if you lost weight you’d be happy. But you won’t be. You knwo why? Because you are just like Daddy. No matter how many positive things you have in your life, You will always always have something else you want or need. You can’t just have a mountain house…you gotta have a shore house. Can’t just have 2 cars….gotta have 5. You are JUST like him except you make less money. Get back into therapy.

The problem I have with the rocker comment is that….YOU WERE NOT KIDDING. You really think that I did not pay. I fucking did pay. I paid mommy. You told me that she put out the money, but she owed you for Father’s Day, so I said, “Well I’ll give it to her and she can give it to you so that she can’t say I didn’t pay her.” Got it?? As for the money I’ve lent you…..I wrote it off a long long time ago, but don’t you say that you “let me go so many times” YOu are so full of shit. You better have a list if you’re going to say that shit. We don’t have a tab running, but if you want to fucking start one….let’s do it. My side starts with the $2500 on it. Start deducting from there all the “aledged’ time you let me go. Don’t ever ebarrass me like you did at Aunt S’s on monday or I will embarrass you right back, so you think twice before you do that again.

I love you, but if you don’t want me in your life that’s fine, but if you want to be in mine you better watch your MOUTH. I don’t care how good you are now compared to before that still doesn’t make it ok for you to say the shit you say.


My commentary: One major thing sticks out to me in that exchange. That major thing is that if I were PP, I definitely would have used an exclamation point at the end of that all-caps bitchback. Use of the period, in my opinion, takes all of the steam out of the all-caps effort.

Lesser items worth noting:

– “Mommy” and “Daddy.” You will see me seethe at this often. I can’t stand it. I can’t. Two supposedly grown people, adults, still referring to their mother and father as “Mommy and Daddy” speaks volumes of where their development stopped… somewhere around age 8 or 9. Mom and Dad. Mother and Father. Mommy and Daddy should be gone by age 5.

– “I wanted to commit suicide more than you did, nyeah-nyeah!”

– Look at PP, trying to rip off another family member!

– These are the people who have custody of my children 50% of the time. I figure I’ll be dead of a heart attack due to stress and worry sometime during the next 5-years. I may be a good father with a magnificient partner, but it’s really hard to overcome the 50% influence that group of assbags has on my children.

– Why couldn’t I have seen that information 7-years earlier?

– Yeah, I know – I married it. Eat me.


Can you feel the love?